七十一 ; uncover me now

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[exceeded my usual word
count per chapter omf enjoy]

day 21
7.04 pm
lee haru

uncover me now

we find ourselves in a sleigh ride
jeongguk rented that goes through
the huge park in the
middle of downtown

it's chilly
but the weather is just right for this
time of the year
jeongguk is holding my hand
mitten in mitten
and checking back on me from time to time
to ask if i'm too cold or if
i feel uncomfortable
all of my answers are no to those

because with the way
he's squeezing my hand tightly
as if he's afraid to let go
and the warmth radiating from his body
as he pulls me close
how could i ever feel cold?
not even the chilly bites of the
winter air can surpass the comfort
of jeongguk's embrace

the streets are dressed in garland
tree lights, ribbons on every
light pole and mailbox
sweet scents wafted through the air
from the row of shops nearby that included
a bakery, a coffee shop and a candy store
there weren't many children around
the few that were are playing with the
dogs on the grass

overall, it was a pleasant winter evening
one that should've made me feel
excited and warm and plain happy
but somehow my thoughts keep drifting
back and forth
wondering how
and what i should say to
confront the boy beside me

jeongguk must've noticed how silent i've been
because he's squeezing my hand
as a gesture to get my attention
"you okay?"

i force a smile onto my face
hoping that it's enough to reassure him
"i'm good"
but apparently not

he sighs audibly
and for the first time that night
he let's his expression fall
i immediately regret
hands going up to pull gently
at the sides of his mouth to form a smile
it worked
"please keep smiling
it pains me whenever you're not
it's like something bad is happening and
i don't know about it"

he smiles, clearly flustered
"i'm just...worried about you
you seemed a bit off since we left the house"

"i was thinking of some things
don't worry i'm doing fine"

he looks like he wants to ask me something
but he doesn't
instead we sit in silence
staring out at our surroundings
drowning in the peace and calm

"whatever you're worried about"
jeongguk suddenly says
"the worry won't stay forever
it'll be okay"

the hole in my heart just got a little bigger

seeing the unchanging expression on my face
jeongguk frowns
"pinky look at me"
i keep my head lowered
and he takes the chance
to take my chin in hand
and lean down
eyes unwavering from my face
just until he is at the same level as me

"how are you always so sure?" i whisper
"that everything will be okay"
our lips are merely inches apart
and i can feel his breathing against my skin
as he says "it always will be"

i force myself to look back up into his eyes
and my heart does a somersault in my chest

for a moment we stay in that same position
none of us willing to be the one to pull away first
until the universe decides that we've had enough
and causes the sleigh ride to malfunction


i let out a yelp as i jump out of my skin
when the ride is suddenly halted
and it nearly sends us both flying to the front
the impact has separated the both of us
and i look over at jeongguk to make sure he's alright
he's looking back me
confusion plastered on his face
and next thing i know
i'm hopping out and off the sleigh to inspect the damage

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