九 ; romeo

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day 1
3.20 am
lee haru


it hasn't been long since
we snuck into the old cinema
when I realise that our fingers are intertwined

i clearly remember that i was holding him
by his arm
not his hand
so how did it even escalate to this--

first you kiss
and now you're holding hands
with a complete stranger
come to your senses, girl

guk notices this too
because he quickly pulls his hand away
he clears his throat awkwardly
glancing around the hall
"so what exactly are we doing here?"

"what else? we're going to watch a movie"

he stares at me as if i grew two heads
"we passed the ticket counter though"
he says hesitantly
"shouldn't we need tickets to watch?"

instead of answering
i tug his arm and lead him towards the
empty row of seats at the back of the hall

there aren't many people here
maybe about four or five
seated way up in front
of course
it's three o'clock in the morning
which is the perfect time to commit a crime

guk plops down on the seat
thankfully, not questioning my motives anymore
the movie starts to play
and his forehead creases

"why are we watching an
early 90s english movie?"
he says out of nowhere
"can you even understand that?"

"they've got subtitles"
i reply as i pull my coat tighter
around my body to keep me warm
i hear him laugh and whisper an "okay then"
unconsciously i smile too

it's a little awkward at first
walking around with a boy
and now we're sitting side by side
in a dimly lit room waiting for a movie to start

i've never even spoken to boys
much less know what to do
in situations like these
but guk makes it easier by asking
"it's freezing in here, aren't you cold?"
he glances at me hesitantly

i shake my head and
flap the edges of my coat
"it's tolerable
i'm wearing two layers after all"
i avert my eyes to his clothes
he only has a grey sweater on him
"i should be asking you"

"i'm used to this" he replies with a smile
"don't worry about it"

the screen lights up soon
and we watch the movie in silence
i try to ignore the presence of the boy beside me
but i can't rid myself of the fact that
i'm actually properly interacting with one
for the first time in my life

i let out a yawn

"bored already?"
guk asks with a laugh
when we're halfway through the movie

i shake my head
and turn back to the screen
"isn't it tragic how they can
never be together?"

guk breathes
"parting is such sweet sorrow
that I shall say goodnight
till it be morrow"
he recites perfectly
like he just read it out of a book

i blink at him in confusion
i haven't pegged him as someone
who knows much about classic poetry
maybe he does have some secrets

the corners of my lips curve up anyway
"for never was a story
of more woe
than this
of romeo and juliet"

"of romeo and juliet"
guk repeats
he turns to me
our eyes meet
and i know he's smiling
even behind that mask

he doesn't look away until i do

"okay that's enough sad love stories
for tonight"
i'm suddenly thankful that it's dark
because i'm positive that my cheeks are burning
guk doesn't seem as flustered as i am
and i wonder if this is karma for
forcing myself onto him back at the train

trying not to catch his eyes again, i say,
"now let's get out of here before someone catches us"

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