Chapter 92 Last Hope

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" Request approved."

Amid the chaos, General Xia looks at the holographic screen from his office at the torture force.

"This day has finally arrived."

A middle aged man in a gray trench coat walked into the hall of the torture force, Behind him were several killers in combat uniforms. The man's lips are stretched into a gentle smile and a fully armed solider held a condensation gun in front of him.

The man moved to the side and the assassin behind him rushed forward. The killer did not hesitate to take the full blast of the condensation gun. The next assassin did not allow another shot before he took the soldier down. The soldier fell back into a pool of blood and looked up at the man who stood over him with the stance of a god. His smile was innocuous and sentimental.


"Valentin Sheehan."

Valentin lifted his legs and stomped over his body to continue forward toward a holding cell.

The woman held in the cell looked up at the man in shock.

"Dear...don't look at me like that. You used to be my most beloved daughter, Clair. As long as you tell me where Jane is, I will take you out of here."

Fear spread through Claire's eyes, emotion clouded her gaze, but ultimately she shook her head.

"Like you, I don't know what Jane is thinking." Claire squeezed out a tight smile as her shoulders shook in fear.

"Ah. It seems my children have all grown up--Wanting to leave home and pursue their own freedom. But the world is a terrifying place, not nearly as wondrous as you believe." Valentin fingers swept over Claire's cheek.

"You can enter my mind and read my memories. " Clair attempted to lean away from his touch but Valentin grabbed ahold of her head.

"Actually if I could get to Xiao Yan then my plan would be perfect, but Xiao Yan has the help of the entire armed forces. You are different...Jane...that kid... he doesn't look it-he acts as though he doesn't care about anything, but in fact he feels quite deeply. If someone has expectations of him, he will think of them as his responsibility. Because of this he lives a very tired existence, never able to gain true freedom...and you are one of his responisbilites." Valentin grabbed a blade from one of his killers and cleanly severed Claire's legs above the titanium restraints.

"Ahhh." Claire screamed horribly as her blood poured out, forming a bright blooming pool of red along the ground.

Valentin stilled and then leaned to press a finger against her nose. "This is your punishment. I know that you have been following Jane. Now it is time to visit the famous Major General."

Valentin steely gaze sliced through the hall with laser focus. He reached Xia's office. The orchestra music seeped through the hall, and the scent of coffee saturated the air. The General was sitting serenely at his desk, his head tilted slightly toward Valentin.

"Welcome to the torture force."

"You are the first person in the Shire to extend a welcome to me. I have decided to treat your manners in kind. I hope we can be friends General Xia." Valentin settled in a chair in front of Xia's desk. He looked directly at the torture forces director.

"Are you inviting me to join the Surge?" Xia's smile is calm, no trace of fear twists his expression.

"I admire you but your ability is too great, I am afraid that I have to..."

Valentin suddenly reached up and grabbed Xia's neck. At that moment the man dissolved completely. Valentin blinked, quickly realizing that the man in front of him had merely been a holographic image.

He roughly swept his hand through the image and disturbed the form of Xia. It was clear that General Xia had evacuated his office through a refuge tunnel and left the torture force.

"It is rare for me to be deceived. Ah forget it. I have already achieved my goal." Valentin raised his wrist and revealed an ominous expression. "Dear Xiao Yan. Our last confrontation made me really admire that mind of yours. This is a sincere and final request for you to join me.'

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