Chapter 26 It Is Dangerous Here

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"You need help?" Heine's brow raised and he placed his weapon in its sheath. His eyes locked with Shen Bing's.

"Don't look at me like that, I am not a zombie." Shen Bing, inhaled deeply before proceeding with his request.

"I'm sure you heard of the student who piloted the twin engine craft. While infiltrated by a blocker, he piloted the craft and made it to the base."

"Now he is trapped." Heine's voice was flat and emotionless.

Shen Bing smiled a bit helplessly, "Yeah, he was trapped.. but it not by the blocker. He trapped himself."

The words had just left his mouth when Mark burst out laughing, "Huh! That right? What an idiot! He trapped himself!"

"It was because of the orders that I gave him. I told him that the longer the blocker stays in his mind, the more information is left for us to mine. Since he is a student he hasn't been trained to deal with a blocker, so while trying to accommodate my command, he accomplished the task by binding himself away and shutting his mind down to protect himself from the blocker. I imagine that once the Shire hears of his performance they will require that I bring him back to the Shire, with his mind uncompromised. "

"Well, I guess the guy is a type of warrior, though he's an idiot. I should stop laughing at him." Mark shrugged his shoulders seemingly done with the conversation.

He went back to playing a game and then casually added, "Don't tell me, by any chance is this stupid rookie's name Xiao Yan?"

Shen Bing was slightly startled, "you guys, know him?

"Oh shit! It is Xiao Yan! That guys body is so fragile and delicate, but his brain is something else, huh! AH! How could you trap yourself?!" Marks eyes widened as he spoke.

Liv also revealed a worried expression. The other team members stopped what they were doing and looked at Shen Bing.

"So how do you want me to help you?" Heine's voice landed heavily in the room.

"Enter his subconscious and tell him the situation is secure, then guide him out."

At Shen Bing's words, the special forces felt the thorny gaze of Heine intensify and fill the room with a sharpness and oppression that a normal person could not bear to be the recipient of, Shen Bing's complexion was unaltered. His face remained impassive.

"You should know best that I cannot enter another's subconscious ever again.

The space instantly began to tense and Heine's eyes held an oppressive power. The force emanating from them was so powerful it gave everyone in the room as sense of being crushed.

"I...I know how you feel, I feel the same. You understand that I cannot go myself, the neuronal damage is too severe and has compromised my ability to withstand a subconscious projection. But you can."

" I won't help. The subconscious is the dirtiest most malevolent place, filled with nothing but a gathering of evil thoughts. I will never let myself fall into such a place again."

The secretary entered the room, he headed over to Shen Bing and gave Heine a quick and stiff salute.


"What is it?"

"An official order arrived from the Shire."

The secretary gingerly offered his display module and opened the tab, holographic images appeared in front of Shen Bing's eyes.

Shen Bing smiled tightly, "As I thought, they want us to wake Xiao Yan."

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