Chapter 16 Two Requirements of Maya

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At that moment, Heine aimed his gun underneath the craft and fired three consecutive shots at the same point. The right side of the aircraft suddenly dropped and Xiao realized that Heine had hit the cockpit.
As the craft was dragged lower and lower by damage, they fired off their laser weapons and missiles. Fortunately Mark pushed Xiao aside or he would have been hit.

Heine took this opportunity, in that fraction of a second, to take out their right engine in one shot. Before the aircraft hit the ground the hatch opened and the assassins, dressed in dark grey combat gear, jumped from the cabin.

Xiao Yan exhaled shakily. This is the first time he has faced the Surge organization in person. Before that, he had just seen them on the news that played in the central square of the Shire.

The Surge were a different type of military force altogether. They were savage and destructive. Xiao remembered the news stories he had heard of the organization.  It had only taken one of their killers to infiltrate the Shire and assassinate several high level military and political officials.

Before the assassins' boots hit the ground, Liv released several Silver Wings.

They avoided the hit in midair. The ones that couldn't avoid them were not vitally injured.

Heine's team has eight people; the Surge force has over 10 assassins.

They know their biggest threat is Heine, and focus on taking him out. Three of them attack him at once. If Heine cannot get rid of these assassins quickly, there will be others joining them.

"Maya, Mark, Liv get Xiao Yan out of here!"

Maya didn't hesitate to react. He used one hand to throw Xiao Yan over his shoulder and his other hand cut a path through the enemy offense, rushing in the direction of platform 47. Mark and Liv followed.

As they departed from Heine, Xiao Yan saw the edge of his blade pierce the enemy's chest, followed by another attack at the remaining assassins. 

"Are we leaving him?" Xiao asked, worriedly.

Maya chuckled. "The one who can kill Heine Burton has not yet been born to this world."

They enter a densely wooded area, Xiao could feel Maya's shoulders tense up.

A flash of cold reflected over their heads, and then four assassins fall from the dense foliage.

Mark turned to block two of them and Liv released Silver Wings, while rapidly attacking and pushing them away from Maya.

Two more Surge assassins appeared. They were preparing to surround Xiao Yan.

The surge killers had long expected that they would rush to platform 47, so they had laid wait here to intercept.

"I'm going to put you down, but you have to promise to keep close to me." Maya's voice was low, no sign of that light lilting tone from earlier in the day.

Xiao swallowed a mouthful of bile and saliva. Everything was moving so fast that he had no time to worry about life or death. He could only face his own exhaustion. Despite that numbness, he couldn't find the bravery to selflessly yell "don't worry about me, save yourself"--- like they do in the movies.

He knows himself well and he is too terrified of a slow and suffering death. He is certain he would die badly.

One of the Surge's combatants pulls out his side arm. When dealing with humans, guns are still the most effective weapon of choice.

He pulled off several shots and Maya's movements were amazingly fluid. He pressed Xiao Yan's head down, as he dodged, holding him by his shoulder to guide him. Just when he thought he was about to fall, Maya picked him up again.

Spotting a sharp gleam of metal, Xiao watched as Maya threw a Silver Wing. He angles the shot perfectly and it cuts through one assailant and slices over the face of the other.

"Ah--" The guy grabbed at his chin but the blood soon stopped as his wound healed.

It is clear that the assassins of the Surge organization also use the x-virus.

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