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"And so you just both acted like it never happened?" Mare screeches, ruining my poor ear drums.

My feet lay across the coffee table in the living room and my body halfway off the couch, with my computer on my lap. It was my one day off from reading to the kids and the one day of the week that Mare would video call me so we could catch up.

"Right? She didn't even say anything after I thanked her. God, Mare, I was a mess in that forest, "Mrs.Lean just so happened to be taking a walk in the woods when she found me, blubbering and yelling in the forest. I still can't believe she 'just so happened to be walking by'. Those woods were thick and terrifying, even during the daylight. She wasn't even dressed for a walk; with her simple blue jeans, heels, and t-shirt. Mare tried to convince me that she was just old and wore whatever she wanted, even to walk, but even now she seemed more off to the idea it was a coincidence.

"Even if she was just walking by, why do you think she was walking so close to your grandma's house? Isn't it like, hidden? "I giggle at his facial expression as he twirls a piece of his long blue locks with his finger. Somewhere between a scene kid and a bookworm, Mare landed on the 'weirdo' spectrum without a question.

"Yeah, that's what makes me feel uneasy. And then when she said I was far from home? I haven't even told her where I live."

" Maybe those soccer moms from town hunted you down and they're all in a conspiracy to kill you, "I roll my eyes at his crazy accusation. There was no way those moms would work their asses off to come to find me in this house, my loud music extremely annoying or not.

"Please, I have a haunted house to deal with."

"You're still hearing noises? I'm telling you, you gotta have some mice in those walls. Set some peanut butter traps tonight and prove me right," Mare was impossible with his theories and impossible ideas that always backfired on him or me. That's just what I get for being friends with him. I laugh at what he says and take the computer off my lap to set it on the table. As I set the computer down, a sinister bang sounds through the living room. It makes me jump back on the couch, my back landing on the remote which scared me more.

"Shit, what was that? "Mare asks in a loud and demanding voice. I stare down at him as my chest rises and falls and feel the heat rise up to my cheeks as I see my hair sticking up through the video-call reflection.

"I. . . - I don't know," I manage out and grasp the material of my sweater. My shaky hands are barely able to grip the material. My heart was faster than a racing horse as I sit up and place my elbows on my knees, staring at my best friend.

"This has not happened before, not this loud," I say. Mare gives me a look of absolute despair.

"Crap, I should go investigate, something of my grandmas might be broken!" I groan, earning a booming denial from Mare.

"Are you an idiot? It could be an alien up there, ready to abduct you!" Mare screams, starting to fondle with things in his massive desk drawer below him. I scoff and stand up from the couch.

"I'll call you back later, alright?" I say, grabbing the computer and scrolling over to the end-call button.

"I need to send you my anti-alien spray-" I end the call and shut the screen down. Walking into the kitchen, I place the thin metallic device on the counter next to the coffee machine I rarely used and grab the apple I placed earlier before Mare called. I never got a break from anyone, it seemed.

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