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 I stare at the deep scratch marks and blood that covered the long wooden door of the house. My eyes shift from the outside of the door to around the house and only a faint trail of blood tells me anything was around. The scratch marks were definitely from claws, but from what?

As I zip up my dark colored hoodie and shut the dirty door, I stare down at the blood trail and let out a sigh. It looked like it led deep into the woods and today was supposed to stay dark and rainy. I knew that I should probably go back inside.

I keep a distance of a few inches away from the actual glistening blood and follow it as it passed the bumper of my car. It was impossible.

I crinkle my nose at the scent of the metallic blood and lean away from my car. The blood trail now went into the woods and looked like it did not stop for a while. I take a look back at my house and then back at the blood. Back at my comfortable house and back at the dark blood. Back to the place with lots of food and back at the blood which led into an adventure. Back at the blood covered door and back at the blood covered ground. Comfortableness or adventure?


I followed the blood trail, but only because I wanted to see if there was a hurt animal. I decided that Cheetos and various other junk foods could wait until I found out if there was a hurt being out there.

I snicker and my thoughts and shake my head as the gravel crunch from the driveway fades into the soft squish of the mossy forest. The blood was harder to see now, but I could still smell the putrid odor enough to keep the trail. Light seeps in from the breaks where trees leaves could not reach one another and give little light for me to see the gloomy forest. I found it quite beautiful, with the dark hues and defined shadows, but also did not go anywhere near the ominous shadows.

"This is stupid," I mutter to myself and smile down at the ground. What, now I was talking to myself? What next, I start talking to invisible creatures that only I can see? I keep up the slow walking pace I had and turn right from a tree with the blood trail. The actual crimson trail was slowly breaking up and I became worried that it had all dried up and I could not find out if there was a hurt creature. I shake off my doubt and pick my pace up.

A soft gurgle noise replaces the sound of my steps and breathing, leaving me relieved that I would not have to deal with my own noises anymore. The stream was thin; only about a 6 or so inches wide and looked maybe less than a foot deep. Various gray and black stones stuck up from the stream as well as dark grasses and a few water plants. The only bad thing was, the blood ended there. That meant whatever made the thing bleed, happened here.

I look around and find a few skid marks in the grass nearby the stream and a few clumps of black and gray fur. I did not want to jump to conclusions, but it looked like maybe a cat. Then again, I was already high in the sky with coming into the woods with nothing but a hoodie on. I cut my mind off and run a hand through the hair I left unbrushed from this morning. I give it a small tug and let out a groan as my mind still explodes with thoughts. I was over thinking something that did not need to be thought of.

I walk away from the skids in the grass and find a semi-large rock by the stream. It was half covered in moss and have fused with a crystal, but looked clean enough to sit on. I watch the water flow and a few watery animals swim by as I sit on the rock and try to keep my breathing steady and small. This was so stupid, I should be at home instead of out here in the forest that could have bears or monstrous creatures. I could be texting Mare, watching movies, at work, but instead, I did not clean up the door and wanted to be curious.

"Oh fuck," I curse. I was going to be late for story-telling; it started at 12 and it had to be 10 or 11 by now. I was so stupid, what did I even expect to find? Some cat? A dog? I bet it was just some hurt wolf from the woods that smelt food from the house or something. Why did I have to do this to myself? Why was I so curious?


Call me Gretel, because I was lost. I passed the same tree with blood smeared on it a count of five times until I gave up and went back to the stream. The blood trail was no more help because it was drying up while I tried to look around for anything else familiar. Nothing but the trees and the light scent of the blood.

I wipe my now glossy eyes and leaned down to look at my reflection. I see my face and quickly throw my hand to wipe the image of myself away. My hand hits the cold water and I wince as it stings my hand. I lift my hand up to my chest and pull the long sleeve of my jacket around the icy cold hand. Screw being Gretel, at least she and Hansel found a candy house.

I sit on the solid ground of the forest and cradle my hurt hand to my chest. How could I get lost in these woods? How could the blood dry up that fast without a lot of sunlight? Why did I follow the blood trail into the woods? How dumb was I? Was I going to die like my parents? I stopped myself at that thought and am greeted with as true of evil thoughts, all involving my death and me seeing my parents with sneaky grins. 

"I hate you." I mumble to the nothing that was there. It was just me and I made a mistake. I never went into these woods, eberyone told me how there were wolves and other creatures. I liked the fact there were animals around me; I loved animals. I just didn't love being lost in unfamiliar areas. 

"I hate you!" I scream out, letting out the noise I had been holding back for the last few months take me over. I needed to let everything out before I could start with my new life or even getting out of this forest.

I always knew that I rushed into leaving after my parent's death, but I let the happy thoughts take control of my mind. They were gone, I could have a happy life that was alone and fun-filled and I did not have to listen to anyone. I was a legal adult who could help out around a community and maybe meet someone new. Violet would always be there, but more friends could always come and go. But I was wrong, I was so stupid and wrong.

I moved out here to my grandma's big house without anyone knowing who I was. All they really knew was that my parents killed themselves and the house was my grandma's. Everyone loved that old woman; it was the only topic that seemed to ever come around when people talked to me. Rumors would of course start, but, man, they still hurt. I wasn't suicidal or emo. I was not a druggie, nor was I in a gang. I was not in a cult and I was not screwing around with mysterious men all the time. 

What was I? Was I just a lost girl who ran away? Was I someone looking for a new start without ending at the finish? No, I was something different. I did not want to be labeled and I should not let myself be labeled. But could I stop the labeling? I was just a person who wanted peace, done and done. Nothing more and nothing else, and certainly nothing could change that yet.

I roll my tense shoulders back and open my blurry eyes. The hand was still freezing but could be moved with much pain. I sigh and sit in the grass for a few moments longer to soak in what just happened. I had a breakdown, but now I was okay. I had to think if I wanted to get out of this forest and I had to think fast.

I hear a snort come from behind me and my body tenses up. Crunch, crunch, snap! My body freezes and jumps at the snapping sound. My eyes quickly land on the culprit and my heart stops.

"Aren't you a little far from home, little one?" 

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