Chapter 32: Ronnie

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Once I get to the Lodge from school it’s the same routine.   I do some of my homework, get dressed into one of my training outfits and head down to the training center.  Nothing new, even though it is Friday. 

                I look around soon spotting Saige practicing her sword moves on a stand up dummy. She wears a black tank top and black leggings with boots. She swings the sword back hitting the dummy’s side as she makes contact with it.  Then she spins around slicing another one’s head off as she stabs another in the stomach.  She then kicks behind her knocking a dummy down then leaping onto of it before jabbing the sword into the dummy’s chest.

                “Glad it’s only practice right?”  I ask walking over to her.  She snaps her head up and grins. 

                “Yeah, but I could still do some damage with this sword if I needed to."

                “I know, it may only be a dull sword but it still helps with training.”  She smiles as she puts the sword back. 

                “So what’s up?”  She says walking back over to me. 

                “Nothing just looking for something to do.”  I say shrugging.  “Anyway, want to try some hand on hand combat?  We don’t really learn that at Jama’s.”

                “Oh, so Jama doesn’t teach you everything.”  She says crossing arms in front of her.

                I sigh knowing she doesn’t want me to go to Jama’s just as much as her brother does.  “Look, we do sometimes practice hand on hand but it’s mostly using battle tactics.  We learn how to use different weapons and skills.”

                “Oh, so everything you learned here but you have your own personal trainer?” 

                “Will you all stop being on edge about this!  It wasn’t our fault!  Like you said Logan chose this for us, it wasn’t our decision!”

                Her face softens a bit as she remembers what she said last night.  She sighs and nods, “I know, it’s just . . .  well like what Danni said.  It doesn’t feel complete without you guys here.”

                I know what she means, sometimes at Jama’s I feel lonely.  It’s a big house with only a few people in it.  And the only people you can talk to are Jama and Kimberley.  I sigh, “I know, it’s the same thing at Jama’s.  I do miss it here it’s just . . . ”

                “You’ll miss it over there too right?”  She says. I nod in response.  I know the Lodge will always be my home but now I’ve gained another home as well. 

                “I will, and I can’t just give up one home for another. I can’t live with one, then not the other.  Do you get what I mean?” 

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