Chapter 22: Kimberley

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I throw a pillow across the room hitting my door to the outside.  How, how could he do this?  Then I hear a knock at the door. 

                “Go away!”  I scream.  Tears make my face hot with anger.  I am not in the mood to talk to anyone right now.  I’m still trying to cope with the idea of Ronnie and me leaving.   The knock comes again.  This time with a name.  “Kimberley open up, it’s Jason.”

                I hesitate for moment before wiping away some tears and walking to the door.  I look through my peek hole in the door and see Jason standing there his hands in his pockets and head down.  When I open he looks at me.  We stand for a second before he hugs me.  I don’t wait to hug him back.  He rubs my back soothingly and I don’t try to hold my tears back from him.    

                After we soon let go he walks in and shuts the door.  “Are you okay?”  I don’t answer to the question he already knows the answer to.  Instead I walk over to my couch and sit down.  He doesn’t need an invitation to sit with me, he just knows. 

                “Why, why is he sending us away?”  I ask Jason. 

Jason looks straight and sighs.  “He thinks you need more training-”  

                “More, training?  How much more can he give me?”  I hiss in anger.  “Ugh, just when I thought we were actually making up about the whole detention thing, he makes me even more pissed.”

                “Look I know you’re angry and scared-”

                “Scared!?  You think I’m scared?  I’m not scared!”  I say sternly.                                               

                “Kim, I thought you knew me better than this.  You know you can’t hide anything from me.”  He’s right, I can’t.  He can pretty much read me like a book.  We have grown that close.  Blake is getting better at it and so am I with him.

                I tilt my head away and start to sob again. “I’m not scared,” I mumble whipping my eyes, “I’m terrified.”

                “I know.  But why?  You’re only moving across the street.”

                “I’m scared because things will be very different.  I won’t see you guys at night, I won’t be training with other apprentices and their mentors.  It will just be that man, Ronnie and I.  Won’t that be awkward?”

                “Um . . .” I can tell he’s at a loss for words.

                “Think of it as you and Blake, Jason. Just you and some other guy.  Wouldn’t that be weird?” 

                “Well, not unless I get to know him.”  He looks at me like I’m supposed to give him an answer, but what should I say.  Luckily I don’t have to, because he keeps talking.  “I mean, weren’t you afraid of Logan the first time you heard you were going to train with him?”

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