Chapter 51

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I leaned on the railing of the small platform by the access door as I watched the second Starship landing in the docking bay. Docking stations only allowed one ship at a time to be maneuvering mid-air, so the first Starship had to dock before the second one could enter the atmosphere.

This tiny port only had three docking bays, and the staff were probably shocked that all three were in use at one time. Procurement was busy arranging a few trades since we would be docked for a while. There was no point in passing up a chance at making even a small profit.

I watched the docking station crew setting up the docking ramps in front of the access doors. There were hooks built into the hull just for this purpose, and the miniature platform at the top of the ramp locked onto these.

Starsong had told me that the Starship Tobias was just starting his own trade circuit and already had a quarter of his crew positions filled, while the other Starship was being remotely controlled by the first one, still empty and awaiting its AI.

I started walking down the ramp while Ronan remained on the small platform pretending to be a security guard. There weren't enough people on this docking station for him to blend into the crowd, particularly since each of the dozen people I could see wore the docking station uniform. This place didn't even have a trading hall on it. They just had a tiny restaurant that was primarily used by the staff here.

This place was also so small and disorganized that no one was waiting to personally welcome the Captain or his Officers to the port. In other words, it was perfect for such a transfer, since no one would be asking how a ship arrived if no crew were on board.

I had covered about half of the distance between the ramps when the access door on the other Starship opened. The blonde-haired man appeared to be in his late thirties, and I recognized him as the Captain from the pictures Starsong had shared earlier. His ship's uniform was a light blue and a pale teal, whereas Starsong's colors were a steel grey and a light cream color. The patterns were almost identical. It was just the colors that differed, which I suspected was intentionally done by the Starships.

He met me at the bottom of his ramp with a wide and welcoming smile. "Captain Wanderer! I am very happy to finally meet you. I have heard so much about your accomplishments."

After spending two years in university, I was very good at telling if people were being genuine or pretending – and I was equally sure that he was truly this happy to meet me. And that just boggled my mind...

I shook his hand. "Thank you, Captain Astar. Please, call me Rachel. I hope that Starsong didn't exaggerate my achievements too badly."

"Then call me David," he said. "I think it would be a fine thing for all Starship Captains to be on a first name basis. Tobias agrees with Starsong's statements, so I don't think that Starsong exaggerated at all."

"I hope I don't leave you disappointed. Do you feel like accompanying me to fetch the data storage device?"

Starsong had already told me that this Captain would watch and learn since I had done this several times in the past. Starsong had also informed me that David would be eager to get started. There would be plenty of time to talk while the AI was uploading.

His eyes lit up in anticipation. "Thank you, Rachel. I would love to."

I started walking back to the Starsong as David walked beside me. He inquired, "I understand that you are just starting out, how many ports have you been to so far? I know Tobias would be happy to explain, but I don't have to pretend to be a know-it-all with another Starship Captain, and it is a relief to just ask another human a question."

I chuckled at his open honesty as I lowered my own guard. "I can relate to that. Even with the crew, you have to know the answer before they even think of the question. I am very happy that Starsong has managed to anticipate everything so far. We have been trading for about a month and a half, and we have been to almost two dozen ports so far – and I am going to ignore the exact number that Starsong just whispered in my ear."

David laughed loudly. "Oh, I bet that he would have words for you if it wasn't just me you were talking to."

I also found it pretty funny. "If it had been anyone other than a Starship Captain, I would have relayed the exact answer."

There was an odd sense that I could be carefree around him simply because he was a Starship Captain. He knew about the mindlink and had one himself. I would have to act the part of Captain if anyone else came by, but the docking station was vacant at the moment since the docking station staff had finished putting the ramps up.

We continued talking as I guided him through the corridors towards the Bridge. 'Starsong, please let the Bridge know that they don't have to stand on ceremony.' This was one of the rare times when a non-crew member could enter the Bridge without them having to hide their friendly atmosphere.

"It has been relayed. Although they will undoubtedly be more professional."

'As long as they don't salute and act like I hide a whip under my chair, I will be content...'

The door to the Bridge opened, and I was relieved to see that they remained sitting at their stations. I spoke, "This is Captain Astar of the Starship Tobias. David, this is my Bridge crew."

The Officers all bowed slightly from their seats in welcome. David appeared quite intrigued as he looked around the room. "This is amazing. Such a welcoming bunch. Now I can see what Tobias has been trying to work towards with a more open and relaxed crew."

The Bridge crew were experienced enough to control their expressions, but I was pretty sure that they had been startled by the informal way David spoke about a different Starship as if that ship's AI was also aware. They had also likely just connected the dots and realized that all of the Starships had aware AIs who spoke to their chosen Captains freely.

The hidden side-door opened, and I put my Guide on the arm of my chair before going into the room. It took me only seconds to grab the data storage device and return. The door slid closed as I left the room. I asked David, "Ready to continue?"

He replied, "Yes, please lead the way."

I grabbed my Guide before heading back the way we had come. David walked beside me while I carried the small case. 

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