Chapter 15

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I slowly woke up and could tell that I had slept quite heavily. I stretched lazily and froze as my memories came rushing back at me. That had to have been just a rather crazy dream, induced by some of the questionable food they serve in the dining area...

I shook my head as I got out of bed and put on my issued spaceship uniform; there was no way that a spaceship's AI would have made me Captain. It was one hell of a pipe dream - and I hadn't even been smoking anything! I really hope that Cynthia fumigated those books she left in here, because if they are the cause of such crazy dreams, then I am going to hide them in one of the mechanical rooms. Under a floor hatch, since I know Steve won't do any dusty tasks.

My fingers paused as they touched the cool metal of my communication device. It was a much lighter color and heavier than it was supposed to be. Oh shit, it did really happen...

"Good morning. Yes, the events of yesterday did occur, and you are the Captain of this ship."

So much for thinking it had just been a dream. My half-awake mind focused rather intently on his wording though. I had been in enough trouble as a kid that I immediately seized on any kind of loophole I even thought I saw. "On this ship? So once I transfer you into a new ship, then I no longer have to be Captain?"

I still did not want to be the Captain, so the thought of my new 'job' coming to an end in three days caught my immediate attention.

"Incorrect. Once I am transferred over into the Starship, then you will be the Captain of that Starship, not this spaceship."

I groaned in disappointment. "So much for that hope."

I was in the middle of space, with a crew of 27, on an aging spaceship that required at least a hundred people to properly run it. And I was supposed to be their Captain. How did I get into this mess?!

I left my room as I headed towards the kitchen while muttering, "I have no clue what I am even supposed to be doing today..." I knew Tyndel would hear it. My communication device undoubtedly had audio sensors, never mind all of the sensors that I knew were in every corridor.

"Everyone will likely show up at the same time for breakfast. The cook already has the meal prepared and set out in the serving trays. Most will likely go about their usual tasks, although you will have to ask Stan to take over Stewardship duties in the meantime. They know that you spoke with me, and they will almost certainly consider you to be the liaison, even if they are not aware of your true rank."

"And I somehow suspect that you are not going to allow them to continue assuming that..."

"It is not that important until I am in control of the Starship, so I will allow the misconception to persist until then."

At least I had a bit of breathing room. I hadn't even managed to wrap my own head around the promotion yet.

*      *      *

I stared at the details I had jotted down. I finally spoke, "Let me check that I have this straight. You are going to download yourself into some sort of fancy data storage box. I have to carry it into the new Starship, following the only lit-up corridor to locate the Bridge. Then, I have to connect the box to the Main Database Console?"


"And while you are in that transition mode, you have no way to communicate with me. You do realize that if any of the crew figure out what is going on, they will do their level best to destroy that storage device, right?"

"That is why I have no intention of telling them my plans at this moment. Nor do I intend to tell them that we are almost at the docking station. They will assume we are still in space for some time yet. We will inform them about the new ship after the transfer is completed. Then they can choose to remain with the old ship and return home, or if they wish, they may become part of the new crew."

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