52 | In The Moonlight

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The moon was huge in the sky. Silver and round like a dazzling ornament, a fitting sight for Christmas night. Snow lined the edges of the rooftop, making fluffy white piles that caught the light.

Clementine perched on a thick blanket, staring up at the moon. His violet eyes glittered and sparkled under the silver stars, glinting like moonlight on ice.

He leaned back on his elbows. "It's so pretty up here."

"Yeah," I said. But I was only staring at him.

"I really liked spending Christmas with you." He smiled. "Even though you got us kicked out into the cold."

I smiled at that. We had been let in eventually, once our punishment was decided to be enough. After much begging and pleading I had even been allowed to keep Coco, on the condition that I be responsible for him.

"Today was awesome," I said. "And I can't believe you really got me a dog! I've always wanted one...but I've never been able to convince my parents till now. Jamie really helped by saying caring for a pet would make me more responsible."

"I doubt that it would."

I gaped at him, shocked, and Clementine laughed, adding, "I suspect she just didn't want to take him back."

I picked up a corner of the blanket, swatting him with it. "Well I think it would make me more responsible."

"No! You'll just break more stuff and blame it on the dog!" He laughed, rolling on top of me to stop the swatting. His hand captured mine, fingers linking with my own. He looked at me then, and the breath was knocked right out of my lungs.

Clementine always called me sunshine, but if I was the sun then he was the moon. He shone bright enough to illuminate every inch of the world, but with light not so garish that you couldn't stare at him for hours on end. He was transformed under the moonlight, all long lines and smooth planes, dark shadows sharpening the angles of his face.

His pull on me had the effect of tidal waves, crashing and burning with sweet intoxication. Being in his proximity, I was helpless to resist him, every sensation heightened till I'm acutely aware of each moon phase on every planet. Every time he throws me a glance, his moonbeams possess me, creating havoc as my imagination runs wild.

For everyone knows the moon makes men go mad.

I was suddenly aware of how close his body was. His fingers trailed the waistband of my jeans, slipping beneath the hem of my T-shirt.

"I wanted to ask you something," Clementine murmured. He didn't seem like he wanted to talk though. He kissed me, and I could feel his mouth curve upwards in the sweetest smile.

I parted my lips, growing warm despite the chilly outdoors. My heart melted faster than the snow on the railing, whipping into a flurry like a winter storm. Clementine's words almost left my mind, but then I recalled he had been trying to say something on the day of the workshop as well.

"What is it?" I asked, finally tearing my lips away. "That you wanted to say?"

His eyes were glossed over like he had forgotten already, but then he spoke. "I told my mum about us. I came out to her, um, quite recently actually, a few weeks ago. She said she'd like to meet my boyfriend...I was wondering if you wanted to come visit her? She's lives quite far from here so, uh- I guess, I was thinking we could take a road trip together...maybe? I mean, if you want to—"

I kissed him hard on the mouth, interrupting his nervous rambling. "You were talking to your mum about me?"

"Yeahh, I mean- just a little...bit."

"Just a little bit?" My lips quirked up at the corners. "You don't have to be nervous. Sweetheart, you've met both of my parents already."

"I know, I know. I wasn't really," Clementine grumbled. "You still didn't give me an answer though."

The wind picked up and ruffled his hair, blowing snowflakes onto his dark lashes. He blinked them away, rubbing his flushed cheeks with a balled up fist as the chill in the air grew heavy.

I cupped his face and kissed him till I needed to come up for air. "My answer is a definite yes. And I love you, Clementine."

He smiled and tangled his fingers in mine. "I love you too, Everett."

Best. Christmas. Ever.

A/n: I am writing them sitting outside and making out in the snow and I'm just completely ignoring how cold and horrible it is XDSuspension of disbelief 🙌

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A/n: I am writing them sitting outside and making out in the snow and I'm just completely ignoring how cold and horrible it is XD
Suspension of disbelief 🙌

Anyway, scroll on down for information on Part 3 of Idiots!

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