28 | Ice-cream Date

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Clementine tapped on the glass display freezer, his long fingers moving in an irregular rhythm. His nails looked like they had never been bitten, not even once out of boredom. They were cut short and neat into smooth ovals, the small white tips making a tinkling sound on the glass where they hit.

The blue lighting of the freezer reflected on his face, illuminating his high cheekbones and casting a shadow over the hollow they caused. He was all sharp edges and razor points; pointed chin on a jaw that could cut glass. Pointed ears hiding behind his chocolate brown hair.

"Hey they have waffle cones here, maybe that can add some flavour to your plain vanilla," I joked, flapping a leaflet at him.

"I'm more of a cup person." Clementine slid the promotional leaflet back at me, not even glancing at the variety of cones.

"What? Why?"

"Cones are so messy, half the ice cream just ends up on your shirt."

"That's part of the experience!"

Pink lips turned up in an amused half-smile. He looked even paler under the cool lighting. The blue diffraction made his violet eyes seem closer to indigo, rich amethyst glittering with sapphire dots and azure flecks.

I was staring at him for a while before I remembered we were still in the middle of a cones vs. cups debate. It was all too easy to lose focus when those curved lips were forming vowels.

"...they distract from the ice cream anyway," Clementine was saying.

"What's there to distract, it's vanilla." I screwed up my nose in disgust, turning my attention back to the menu. "You could try cookie dough?" I suggested, "It's basically vanilla with stuff in it."

"I freaking love cookie dough. They have that here?" Clementine scanned the display case in newfound interest, trying to pick it out of the fifty-odd flavours.

I gaped. "Seriously?"

He shrugged as if the two flavours weren't worlds apart. "I'd only have vanilla if there weren't cookie dough."

"But that's the best and worst ice-cream!"

"The worst ice-cream is definitely bubblegum," he contended.

"Wait...do we really have the same favourite ice-cream, and yet wildly different opinions on the second best ice-cream?"

"You said it yourself!" Clementine argued, "Cookie dough is basically vanilla with stuff in it. Bubblegum is an entirely different thing."

"But- but...."

"Let's split a cookie dough sundae," Clementine said, interrupting my floundering counter argument.

"I learn new things about you every day," I mumbled under my breath as I placed the order.

The girl behind the counter doused several scoops of ice cream in a generous amount of chocolate sauce, adding crushed cashew nuts and whipped cream with two cherries on top.

"No, this is good—and sundaes come in neither a cup or a cone, but a bowl," Clementine pointed out as we located a corner booth and sat down opposite each other, "It's compromise."

I grinned. "That's basically just a big cup but, okay."

My mind drifted back to my earlier statement. I suppose I didn't really know him as well as I thought I did. I don't mean when it comes to random things like favourite ice-cream flavour—but I didn't really know anything about his family or childhood either. And what he had mentioned yesterday had...surprised me.

"Soo...you have a sister?" I asked, diverting my eyes to the whipped cream mountain. I hadn't known that till yesterday; I don't know why I had assumed he was an only child just because I was.

"Yeah, Jamie." Clementine smiled, a faint sparkle making its way into the lavender haze of his eyes. He looked like he wanted to say more but he stopped himself, looking to be lost in thought, though the smile never left his face.

"I really wanted siblings when I was younger," I said hesitantly, "It was kind of lonely whenever I got home from school."

"Yes, it's nice to have someone who shares the same childhood traumas as you," he joked.

At least, I think he was joking. The smile didn't quite reach his eyes, a lilac cloud suspended over the lavender haze. His fingers drummed on the side of the spoon.

"I don't think most people get along with their siblings." Clementine picked a cherry from the bowl, pulling his eyes away from my curious gaze. "Not when they're younger anyway."

"Did you not get along with Jamie when y'all were kids?"

"She used to beat me up."

I snorted.

Clementine glared at me. "It was for no reason! And she's three years older than me." He paused, and his cheeks inexplicably turned pink. "Uhh...do you want to meet her?"

"Hm? What was that?" I asked as he quickly looked back down at the sundae. I had heard, but I needed to know what had made him blush like that.

Clementine blushed even harder, going red all the way down his neck. "She wanted to meet my boyfriend."

"Ohh...boyfriend," I repeated, wondering if that was the word that had made him blush. He instantly confirmed my theory by turning scarlet.

So, Clementine tells me he loves me everyday...yet he still blushes when calling me his boyfriend? No. He is TOO adorable and this has to be illegal. Also...I have just got to tease him about this.

"Er...I don't know babe." I cast him a sidelong glance. "I don't quite remember you asking me out."

"I think it was implied," he muttered, stabbing at his ice-cream vehemently. His purple eyes narrowed, making him look so beautifully cross. Clementine was cute when he glared.

I couldn't stop myself laughing as he grumbled something incomprehensible under his breath, crossing his arms over his chest with his elbows defiantly on the table.

"Clementine." I teasingly bumped my knee against his. "I'm just messing with you."

He huffed, putting on a spiky exterior like a cute little hedgehog. I briefly wondered what shade of red he'd turn if I called him my hedgehog.

"Hey, I love you." I smiled, reaching across the table to take his hand. "And I'd love to come meet your sister."

A/n: So this was a bit different! Would y'all wanna see more chapters in Everett's pov or do y'all prefer Clementine's? Let me know in the comments!

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A/n: So this was a bit different! Would y'all wanna see more chapters in Everett's pov or do y'all prefer Clementine's? Let me know in the comments!

This ice-cream date chapter was brought to you by a reader request. If y'all have any other reader requests feel free leave those in the comments too! Some may take longer to get to than others cause I'm trying to write in order, but I will get to them eventually <3

This one's for you Potato 🥔❤️

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