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There was complete silence. It was if everyone was holding their breath as the little charm clicked into place.

The Countess paled.

It was the one thing that she did not account for, and she knew that this was it. The evidence was too great. It had piled up on her and now she had sunk to deep to recover.

There was no escape now. No matter what she did or what she said, it was over.

Some of the most phenomenal things happen when someone reaches rock bottom and for the Countess something truly crazy did happen.

It started with laughter. It aimed to express how she was amused at the whole situation, but it had a menacing undertone. It was almost called and off putting. It was crazed.

There was silence as her laughter reached all corners of the room. It was uncomfortable.

Erica found the courage and stepped away from Walter. She walked towards the Countess stopping just before her as she waited patiently for her to stop.

The Countess's eyes slowly moved down to Erica's small form as her laughter began to fade. A deepened toothy grin lined her lips.

"You won, aren't you happy?" The Countess could not help but laugh out again.

"Why?" Erica's voice was soft, "Please tell me why did you do it? Why did you do any of it?"

"I was happy before you came along. You ruined my life and now here you are ruining it again." The Countess's tone drastically changed to a chilling one as she launched forward towards her.

Erica got a fright as the chains holding the Countess down clanged at the force. The movement not only startled Erica but those around her too and more specifically King Aleric.

He would not stand for this vile woman attempting to harm the one he loved. He was quick to signal for guards to restrain her even more than she already was.

"Watch yourself Countess, your actions do not help you." Aleric's tone was cold and threatening.

"Or what? You will have me exiled? You are a fool to think that I don't know that no matter what I do won't change that fact."

"Exiled?" King Aleric could not help but scoff, "Countess Alvore, you most certainly have it all wrong. If anyone here is a fool, it is you. I plan to have you executed."

A collective gasp filled the court followed by numerous chatter and murmurs.

"No." All eyes turned to the source that tried to deny the King's words, "I do not wish for any death."

It was Erica. Her voice was a gentle as always, but a firmness bound her words as she stood up against the King's decree.

"Erica." King Aleric's hardened gaze soften drastically at the mere sight of her, "She did so many hurtful and unimaginable things to you."

"That still does not give you the right to end her life." Erica's eyebrows pushed together as a hardened frown formed on her lips.

"Erica..." Again, King Aleric tried to reason, he wanted the Countess to pay for everything.

"My answer is still no." Her words were strong, but her eyes were pleading as she begged Aleric to spare the horrid woman's life.

Aleric felt conflicted. He wanted the Countess to pay for hurting Erica but Erica did not want that. He did not want to upset Erica but neither did he want to let the Countess walk free.

It happened so quickly as the sound of a metal sword being drawn from its sheath filled the room. The sharpened blade plunged towards the direction of Erica.

The Countess had managed to slip her hand out of the cuffs and grab onto the sword of one of the guards beside her. In her blind rage all she could see was Erica and all she wanted was to see the obnoxious girl gone.

The iron like smell of blood filled the air as the blade pierced through human flesh.

Erica gasped as the blood began to dribble onto her clothes staining her dress forever in its deep crimson glimmer. She looked up at the source of it and met the relieved eyes of her brother.

Upon realising what she had done, the Countess screamed in horror. She had stabbed her own son. She had stabbed Walter.

Walter had been closest to Erica and was fortunate enough to reach her in time to protect her from the Countess. Unfortunately, as it all happened so quickly, he was forced to receive it something he would gladly do a million times over if it meant protecting Erica.

"Walter." The Countess's voice was shaky as she tried to reach out to him. She had let go of the blade, but she could see it deeply rooted into his back.

"Take her away!" Aleric ordered amongst all the shock as he rushed towards the two Alvore siblings leaving his throne.

The guards twisted the Countess's hands behind her back and shoved her away as quickly as they could.

"Mother!" Sibyl called amongst all the panic, "Where are you taking her?" She tried to desperately fight back.

"Mother!" Sibyl called again but her words fell on deaf ears as the Countess had her gaze completely locked on Walter.

The young Commander fell forward, Erica caught his shoulders and was quickly assisted by Aleric as the lowered him to the ground.

Blood was starting to spew out all over the floor, yet a smile still lined his lips as he watched Erica.

"Move!" Ron pushed everyone aside and rushed towards Walter. He checked the Commander's condition and quickly started shouting orders.

Erica held onto Walter's head, allowing it to rest on her lap as tears began to fall out of her eyes. Walter reached a hand up to her cheek and tried to brush the tears away with his thumb. "Don't cry." He tried to calm her.

"Walter, you better not die!" Aleric knelt beside him distracting the man for a moment. Walter just laughed but quickly stopped as the pain became too great.

Ron was doing his best to remove the blade and stop the bleeding, but it seemed to be futile as more and more blood kept gushing out. His wound was bad, very bad.

Erica's tears fell harder as Walter's eyes began to close, "Take care of my little sister for me Aleric."

"No," Aleric frowned and grabbed his friend's hand, "You will be here to take care of her with me. That's an order!"

Walter just smiled as his eyes closed completely.

The Countess managed to see this before one final shove pushed her out of the room. Her heart completely shattered as the realisation dawned on her.

She had killed her son...

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