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Erica was feeling very uncomfortable.

Her chest ached as she tightly clutched the invitation in her cold hands while making her way up the hill towards the large gates of the Waisend estate.

Ron walked in step with her right by her side. He was there to support her, but he would never admit that he used some made up excuse that he needed to do a quick check up on some of the Waisend knights that he had been treating.

He knew Erica's decision, she had informed him that morning that she would reject the invitation from the Duke and out of respect and etiquette, she would personally do so.

Ron could tell Erica was saddened. He could tell that the sweet girl did not want to decline the invitation.

She wanted to go.

She really did, but fear was stopping her. Fear was forcing her to stay away.

Ron was deeply saddened by this. Whatever Erica's family had done to her had greatly stunted the girl's life.

The fear she had for them was stopping her from being happy, stopping her from doing what her heart desired.

It was cruel.

Erica was such a graceful young lady; she was so young and yet to fully experience the wonders that the world had to offer. She had yet to truly live her life.

Ron glanced at the girl. He could see her saddened expression and fisted hands on the invitation as she made her way up the hill.

Ron's anger spiked. He silently vowed that if he ever met the people who did this to her, he would feed them the most awful poison and let them suffer.

When they arrived, Erica and Ron were told to wait while one of the servants went to inform the Duke on their arrival.

Erica had unknowingly clasped the letter tighter. She wanted to hold onto the feeling just a little longer before she had to give it up.

"Ah! You are here my dear. Just in time to choose a dress." The Duchess walked in with a happy skip in her step.

"Good morning, Duchess." Erica curtsied and Ron politely bowed.

"Yes yes," she waved her hands, "We have a lot to do and not enough time before we depart in a few hours."

"Your Grace, I came here today to..." Erica took a deep breath, "unfortunately decline the invitation."

She then looked away as if she was ashamed. She knew she could not face the Duchess for the moment that she did, she would likely apologise and accept the invitation in a heartbeat.

"What, why?" The Duchess scrunched her eyebrows.

Before anything else could be said, the Duke made his entrance into the large room.

"Greetings Ron," He turned to Erica, "and Erica."

Erica curtsied once more acknowledging the Duke, Ron bowing next to her.

"What is the problem my dear?" The Duchess asked totally ignoring her husband.

"I uh-" Erica was cut off by Ron who placed a gentle reassuring hand on her shoulder.

"She is a little nervous your Grace." Ron smiled.

"Oh, please do not be my dear. You will be right at my side, and I will guide you and help you where needed." The Duchess gently laughed.

"I... Um..." Erica was beginning to panic not knowing how to form the right words.

Ron could see this and gave her a reassuring squeeze.

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