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The time since the great Goddess battle feels as though it hasn't passed. Every time I go to the kitchen in the castle and see Reuben with mine and Edmund's coffee, I can't help but see his sweet, innocent face bloodied. I know with time it will become just a bad memory. Perhaps even more like a bad dream.

"Princess Ellie!"

"Reuben, you sweet boy. You have the coffee ready."

"Yes, ma'am. I made cookies this morning too. D-do you want some?"

"You made cookies?"

He nodded his head shyly.

"Absolutely! One of these days you are going to be the greatest chef in the entire realm."

His smile spread from ear to ear as he rushed to grab a plate he already had made up. I tosseled his hair before kissing his forehead. He turned and hurried back to his work as I left.

"My love," Edmund said, taking the tray of hot drinks and cookies from me.

"My love," I said back.

"What do we have planned today?" he asked.

"I'm sure the usual. We have meetings with your father and the counsel. There is talk of a rogue pack forming who want to officially rejoin the kingdom."

He nodded and sat the tray on a table in the library as I browsed the books. "That would be very good if we could get a peace deal."

"Indeed. We're also going back to Moon Mist tonight."


"Harmony is due to give birth to her first pup shortly. I would like to be there for her. Moral support and all that."


"I know. Her pregnancy has gone by so fast. I'm so excited for her. Imagine having a young pup running around the castle hallways." I smiled longingly.

"It would be nice to have a young pup running around."

"You know that it's going to be a handful. I'm betting just like Harmony."

Edmund let out a low chuckle before sipping his coffee. "Can the realm handle another Harmony?"

I sat beside him on the couch, accepting my coffee while flipping through the pages to where I'd left off yesterday in the story.

"Ready to keep reading?"


"Chapter six," I said aloud.


Our day went by as quickly as it usually did when it was filled with matters of the realm. King Orsand began shifting more and more of his work to us so he could spend more time with Queen Amelia. That brief time she died seemed to have flipped a switch in him. He couldn't get enough of her and it was the most wonderful thing.

I fidgeted in the passenger seat of the big SUV, fidgeting with the knobs on the radio until I was able to find something to listen to that wouldn't put us both to sleep.

"Thank God Reuben made us an entire thermos of his coffee."

"He's a good boy," Edmund said.

"He is. I enjoy having him around."

"Moon Mist isn't that much further."

"Thank Goddess. I'm exhausted!"

My parent's estate was bright with light and people bustled about. Odd, but not that odd for the Beta's residence. 

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