Chapter 19

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"We have a lot to do first," Ashley said, grabbing her bag. "We should head outside for the car."

"I guess."

My wolf whined. She wanted to find it too.

"Come on, Ellie."

I sighed and followed Ashley out the door, running right into Savannah.

"Oh, excuse me," I said, brushing myself off.

"Oh. My. Goddess. Do you not have eyes? Can you not see someone walking? What is wrong with you?" she screeched.

"Wow. Okay. Rude," Ashley said, pulling the door shut.

"Rude? Do you have any idea who I am? Who the hell are you that you're in my castle?"

I stared wide-eyed at the insane girl in front of me. "I missed when Queen Amelia stepped down and promoted some mangy mutt."

"Excuse me?" she screamed. "What did you say?"

"You heard me. You need to watch your tone, pup," I growled. "I will not tolerate disrespect from someone of lower status than myself. You will watch your tongue and mind your place."

"My place? Do you know who my father is? Or my future mate? I will have you banished."

My eyebrows arched. "You should check who you are speaking to in the future."

I turned on my heels and walked away from the bleach blonde mess that stood outside my door. Her gums flapped as we ignored her temper tantrum.

Phil ran up the stairs to us, his eyes wide. "What happened?"

"That ridiculous girl needs to learn manners. And to know who she's talking to before she starts her banshee screeching."

"I am so sorry about her. She's a bit incorrigible since her father and the Beta have been pushing Kind Orsand to force the prince to mark her."

"Let's hope that he meets his mate."

"Hopefully sooner rather than later. She turns 18 soon, then it's happening."

I shook my head and walked to the front door. "Is the car here?"

"It is, ma'am. The driver will take you anywhere you need to go."

"Thank you for your help."

"Anytime." He turned to leave but paused. "If you ladies are planning on going to the ball tomorrow and don't have a dress, Sheila's in town has beautiful gowns."

"Oh, gowns!" Ashley exclaimed. "I love fancy gowns!"

"Yeah, I guess we should get something. Thanks."

We climbed into the black town car and told the driver where we were going. He sped down the long driveway, zipping through town until he reached a large building that looked like a museum rather than a library. Ashley leaned over me and stared up at the old, stone structure.

Large, arch-shaped windows stretched upwards, covered in stained glass that depicted scenes from the history of wolves.

"The library," the driver announced.

"It's impressive," I said, admiring the columns out front and the expansive staircase.

"It is the largest library in our realm. It also houses the greatest and oldest treasures of our history."


He nodded at me, looking in the rearview mirror. "There is a vault in the basement. Ask Annie about it. There are some very ancient books and relics in there. It's very cool."

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