
With my offline series, Between The Crystals, due to launch this summer, I'm looking for ideas on what to write or publish next.
          	If you haven't filled out the surveys yet, would you mind sharing your preferences? The Google Forms are only 2-3 questions each.
          	- What types of books would you like to see more of?
          	- Which books would you like to see in print, audio, and/or ebook?
          	- Where do you find your books?


Have you ever thought of writing A different Virus in Ace’s point of view? I curious about Ace’s thoughts since he doesn’t speak much.


            I've thought about it, but I'd rather write a new story instead of being locked into a plot that has to exactly match events and timelines in Heartfire.
            Still tempted to write a version where a heartfire epipen gets lost in a river and is found by an unsuspecting person allergic to bees...


I was reading the virus within  during the rolling paywall test and was really enjoying it, but I got a lot on my plate and stopped reading it for a bit, then kinda forgot about it, until a few days ago. Now I’m sad lmao. Do you think you will ever be able to publish the series as physical books? I’m pretty sure you already responded to someone else’s question about this lol, so sorry about that


            No problem. Do you remember which scene it was? I can tell you if you know.


Thanks, i just gotta figure out which chapter i left off of and start reading from there lol, sorry for bothering you


            Wattpad holds the print rights, and none of the publishers have shown any interest so far, so I doubt it will be anytime soon.
            If it helps, you can earn coins in the coin pouch (app) and unlock the chapters one-by-one.
            The original version is at the bottom of my profile and free. (It's very different than the revised version, and full of plotholes, but it's there)


Hi Crystal 
          I am a huge fan and have read “A Starship called Starsong” and “In the Shadow of the Starships” and would request that you write another sequel to it. You are my favourite writer on Wattpad and I really hope you try and write something like this again. You have also provided some really valuable writing skills and the style on which you write your books is very interesting to read.
          P.S. My code name is very similar to “Jennisa” from “In The Shadow Of The Starships”(;


            Hi Crystal,
            It was a busy day so I couldn’t reply. I have sent a message on your email. I will take the writing tips to heart… (; Good night /day:)


            Looks like I just caught your time window - but feel free to leave messages at any time and I'll reply when I'm back online.
            I'm most available on discord, if you're on that app/website. 
            There is also a contact form on my website if you prefer email (I don't want to post my email here as too many bots  scrawl through Wattpad seeking such things.)
            Or feel free to chat here.
            Feel free to write a spinoff, as long as credit is given in the summary and/or first chapter (ex. This story was inspired by CrystalScherer's story, A Starship Called Starsong)


            Kindly try and write back at 2130hrs at 08/06/2024 (Saturday) on Alberta time. It will be 0830hrs for me on 09/06/2024(Sunday)... or you could message me at morning 7-9 on Alberta time. I might be active in the mornings instead of evenings( your time).


With my offline series, Between The Crystals, due to launch this summer, I'm looking for ideas on what to write or publish next.
          If you haven't filled out the surveys yet, would you mind sharing your preferences? The Google Forms are only 2-3 questions each.
          - What types of books would you like to see more of?

          - Which books would you like to see in print, audio, and/or ebook?

          - Where do you find your books?


For those reading The Virus Within, over the last two years, I helped Wattpad test out the "rolling paywall" system where readers could read for free as I posted the revised chapters. The test was only supposed to remove the paywalls for 2 weeks, but Wattpad let you awesome folks read it for free for five months since the story was so long.
          So for those who haven't unlocked the chapters, please note that the paywalls have returned.
          If it helps, you can earn coins on the app for free in the coin pouch in most countries and then unlock the chapters either one-by-one on a web browser or in bulk. 
          If you wish to buy coins, that's an option. Or you can buy premium for the coins, but that is now more to get rid of ads. 
          Once a chapter is unlocked, it will remain unlocked. 
          Wattpad did grant me permission to repost the original rough draft since it was so different. It is free and can be found near the bottom of my profile.
          For a writing update, I have a new post-apocalyptic story coming out this summer (late July or August)!


@CrystalScherer thanks, interestingly I only started having issues after a head injury about three years ago, so it might improve over time, in the meantime I’m sticking to my kindle, I’m currently rereading upon wings of change on it, so I’ll certainly keep an eye out for any other books you publish.


            That must make life hard for you (My boss got migraines whenever they ate chocolate or too much white sugar). 
            Here's to hoping it improves or The Virus Within will eventually get printed like a few of my other books. In the meantime, take care of yourself!


@CrystalScherer yep, unfortunately it’s the brightness of screens that causes issues for me so although it helped slightly it didn’t do enough to make it possible for me to read more than a few sentences.


Will redeeming the lost possibly have a sequel by chance? I love all your stories, but that one is one of my favorites to reread.  


            I can't think of any major plot lines/problems/conflicts that could lead to a full story, so I doubt it.
            Julie was an entertaining character to write.  :)


and how do i write romance as a Christian but not go against the words of God, i simply want my new book to be safe for christians as well 


@CrystalScherer i'll do better because of this advice


            As far as romance goes, keep it PG-13. (Take a look at Song of Songs in the bible).
            Kissing is fine, and small shows of love are appreciated. (hand-holding, giving of flowers, especially among the older readers).
            Fade-to-black for bedroom scenes (preferably if married, or have them pledge themselves to each other. Sleeping around with others or having more than one wife is discouraged in most Christian denominations)
            Don't glorify abuse, etc. 
            You can use the ten commandments as a general guideline for what might turn a Christian reader away.
            I found it easier to use outside antagonists to challenge the couple (be it people, weather, events, etc).


I just read you bio and found out you're a follower of Christ and that's really nice, do you mind if i ask you a question ?


@official_bluesette waiting on God's time is always the best, the sermon was lovely ❣️


@CrystalScherer thanks and i'll surely watch it


            Watched this sermon recently, and got a chuckle at the 9-10 mark.
            Sharing in case it interests you:


Hi, I was curious if the zombies in ‘A Virus Within’ would freeze given snow or low enough temperature? I know you mention they don’t feel the cold but they can heal so they have some form of working circulatory system so that got me thinking. 


            Simply to add to the horror aspect (and because they can survive things like bleeding out and lungs filling with water), I'd say they'd survive.  :)


Hi please I'm new on wattpad and I need your help with something.
          When the heart sings is nice by the way


            Unfortunately, I don't have much spare time to read lately.
            Have you checked out my writing guide, Tips for Writing on Wattpad? It's near the bottom of my profile page and has my usual writing advice.


@debbireads like I mean will you please check it out when I publish it?