
It’s Thursday, so Chapter 44 of my story Mezzanine was posted this morning, and another chapter has become available to read for free! Hope you’ll enjoy if you’ve been reading or decide to check the story out for the first time!


@yukishan777 At the moment, I do not have any plans to write a sequel, unfortunately. Maybe one day down the line I’ll come up with an idea or inspiration to make a part two. :)


Hello Amy! I was hacked in Discord, so I had to make another account. I added you as a friend there. Could you please also send me a invitation to the Pretty in Punk Discord? Thanks in advance.


@AmyMarieZ  Thank you again. You are my savior! Hugz! If this were teenage me ... I'd be running for the hills like Chicken Little and cry "The sky is falling! The sky is falling! LOL instead, I try to calm down and take it piece by piece.


Oh no! Sorry to hear about the hacking. I just accepted your friend request and sent a new invite. @Glory_feeling2


Hey author nim  ! I just give your December's moon a try and damn it's so perfect I love it ❥ ! 
          Hope you write more Books like that , I'm obsessed with your writing skills nowdays . I hope the best of you love ♡ .


@AmyMarieZ omg I'm always excited for your books ! Nd ik your gonna give the best of you to us ;) .


@nimkimkiooo Thank you so much! I’m so happy you gave my story a chance and that you liked it! It was a fun story for me to write, so maybe I’ll write something similar in the future! :)


Hey hi.
          I'm an author too. I am writing the book named beyond magic. can you please tell me from what you get inspiration to write a book. And can you give me some ideas too. By the way, I love your book.


By the way can I please get your mail id if it's okay with you


I just read your book Down Under and cried for over half an hour. You're a fantastic writer and I hope to read so many more of your books. Much love. <3


@AmyMarieZ You're welcome, I hope your book gets more recognition because it truly was a fantastic read. I definitely plan to tune in to more of your books! <3


@BookaholicEnthusiast Thank you so much for reading Down Under! Seeing this message made me so happy because it’s absolutely amazing to hear how something I’ve written has made someone feel. I’m reading through your comments on the story now and it means so much to get to see all your reactions! You’ve made my day. Hope you’ll enjoy my other stories if you decide to read them! <3


Hello to all the enthusiasts of engaging stories! I offer a personalized playlist creation service to make your reading experience a total immersion. The playlists are designed tailor-made to fit the plot and your preferences.
          In return, I only ask you to sponsor the resulting video on your story and mention my YouTube profile. The creator of the playlist will choose the video title, ensuring a personal touch to the presentation.
          Thank you for considering this collaboration; I am excited to create something special together with you! ✨


@myheartblow this sounds amazing! Please send me a DM


Please skip this message if you have not read the newest chapter of mezzanine on yonder as there are spoilers
          Amyyyyyy finally the long awaited chapter ..... We finally see Damien I love that you gave confirmation that it is Damien !!! I can't wait for the next chapter I have read every single chapter of this story and wait for Friday to role around with so much dedication. I LOVE Lola and Jay they are so cuteee. I CAN'T WAIT for their relationship to progress. I read the first version as well and loved it. Carter is an absolute champ. Love the story and I know it's only season 1 so there is a lot more to go can't wait!


Thank you so much!! @ihpssm This was such a great comment to wake up and read. I’m so happy you are enjoying the story and that you are excited for the next chapter! There are still plenty more to come. :)


It’s Thursday, so Chapter 44 of my story Mezzanine was posted this morning, and another chapter has become available to read for free! Hope you’ll enjoy if you’ve been reading or decide to check the story out for the first time!


@yukishan777 At the moment, I do not have any plans to write a sequel, unfortunately. Maybe one day down the line I’ll come up with an idea or inspiration to make a part two. :)