74. Dreams and Reality

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Ever since then, things have been quite normal.

Ace has been acting normally.

Florence has been acting normally.

Everyone has been acting normally.

Honestly, a small part of me was waiting for a day when all the boys would shout out, "Surprise!! We were just pretending that everything was alright!! Florence is actually a yandere!! And you're actually going to go on trial for treason next week!!"

But that day never came, thankfully.

When I properly recovered and the doctor gave me permission to move as I pleased, I immediately went to Florence and tripled the poor doctor's salary.

"L-L-L-Lady Cylliaaaaa!!! Thank you!!" the doctor cried to me when his pay raise was announced.

"It's no problem. You took care of me, so it was a well-deserved reward," I replied with a nod.

"I was so scared...that my head would be chopped off..." the doctor mumbled.

"Why?" I asked out of curiosity.


"No, please don't be afraid to tell me anything."

"Sorry, Lady Cyllia, but I believe I might die if I say another word," the doctor said with a deep nervous bow.

"Is that so...Then it's fine. Feel free to take a week of vacation. I'm sure you're tired," I sighed.

"An...angel. I think...I see an angel. A beautiful angel...Lady Cyllia, I will always remember your kindness," the doctor said as he clasped his hands to his heart and collapsed onto the ground dramatically.

Both tears and snot rolled down his face, which made me wonder how much he actually had to go through as the palace's head doctor.

"Uh...of course. You may be excused," I said awkwardly at his overreaction.

He stood up, quickly bowed once more, and left the room happily as if he were free from a lifelong curse.

Anyway, since I was free to do as I pleased, I decided to find Wolfe again to clear up any misunderstandings.

I found myself walking to his room, and as I guessed, Wolfe wasn't there.

...It was just like my dream.

With a small shake of my head, I left the room and retraced the same steps I had walked in my dream all the way to a familiar-looking door.

Everything was the same.

It was down to the exact detail.

I knocked on the door a few times, but as I expected, no one responded.

"Wolfe~! I know you're in there!" I called out.

There was no reply.

I didn't even bother calling out to him and just kicked down the door.

Honestly, I don't have enough patience for this.

When I walked inside, I spotted the small tuff of fluffy strawberry hair peeking out from behind the single bed of the room.


Wolfe was even hiding in the exact same spot as my dream...

At this point, maybe I should start taking that "dream" of mine seriously.

Was I possibly...a psychic???

Hah...that would definitely be an interesting turn of events.

But...if my dream happened to actually be precognition of the future...then everything that happened between Florence and I would...also...

Another Life, Another Meحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن