Chapter Six | Confession

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VIVIENNE HAD JUST finished eating her supper alone once again when Mrs. Shrine came it. Although she had been working at the manor for more than a week now, her relationship with the rest of the maids had not progressed. Chrissy ensured that the rest of the servants didn't speak to her and hence she was always alone during meals. She didn't want to say anything to the housekeeper lest it cause more problems but being excluded hurt more than she cared to admit. She was doing her best to fit in, but it seemed like nothing was working. The rest of the servants laughed, gossiped, and ate together, and she longed for that relationship. For the twentieth time today, her heart broke as she remembered Agatha.

She'd been more than a governess to Vivienne and seeing everyone acting like a family, she longed for one to call her own.

"Vivienne," Mrs. Shrine called out from the doorway.

There was a hush over the kitchen as the rest of the servants wondered why the housekeeper was calling her over. Vivienne slowly got up and made sure to hold her head high even when she wanted nothing more than to bury herself in the nearest pillow.

She passed the tittering maids and avoided their gaze. "Yes Mrs. Shrine?"

"His Grace would like to see you in his study right now."

Vivienne froze. Why did the duke want to see her? Was it because of their encounter in the library the night before? Was she going to be dismissed because she had offended him somehow?

Mistaking her stillness for confusion, Mrs. Shrine placed a comforting hand onto her shoulder—only it didn't feel like that. Nausea filled her body as she stood still, hoping that Mrs. Shrine would drop her hand.

"Come with me, I'll lead the way."

Vivienne almost sighed in relief when Mrs. Shrine dropped her hand and began walking. She was well aware of the gazes on her back, but she ignored them and walked behind the housekeeper. They didn't speak at all until they arrived at a shut door.

Mrs. Shrine knocked and Vivienne stood behind her respectfully.

"Come," the duke's deep voice called from inside.

The housekeeper opened the door but stood to the side.

"You won't be joining me?" Vivienne asked her, hopeful that the housekeeper might be an ally in her conversation with the duke.

Instead Mrs. Shrine shook her head. "His Grace did not mention my name. It's best if I stay out here."

Vivienne nodded but her heart sank. She felt as though she was entering a wolf's den. It was clear that she was about to be the duke's prey.

When she entered the room, her gaze unconsciously fell upon the duke. His cravat was undone as he was seated behind the giant mahogany desk comfortably. His eyes seemed to be glowing in the dark, but she couldn't quite put a colour to them. A shiver went up her spine as his gaze fell upon her. He placed down his quill and motioned towards the chair in front of him, "Have a seat."

Vivienne took hesitant footsteps and she was aware that he was watching her every move. Somehow, it was different than having the servant's glance at her. His gaze felt more powerful. She gingerly took a seat, not quite meeting his eyes and instead looking at the corner of the glossy desk.

When he didn't say anything for a few more minutes, she grasped the pendant underneath her gown for comfort. That too, did not go unnoticed by him. His eyes flickered in the dimly lit room and Vivienne grew more uncomfortable.

"You wouldn't lie to me, would you Vivienne?"

Vivienne glanced up at him briefly before looking back at her hands, "No, Your Grace."

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