N e w G i r l

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Hey Hotline Girl !
Hey ?
You there ?

Shut up ! God ! What do you want ?

Your attention to this loveless patient, Dr. Cupid..

You, Sparrow, are crazy..

Thank you.

Anyway, I was gonna text you rn..

Really ? God Girl, I knew I had something on you..

Get over yourself..a little birdie told me, that a girl likes you..

A lot girls do..which one ?

Hayley Williams.

That painter girl ?

Um, yes..?

No. Absolutely not.

Gosh ! Get over your stupid ego. What's wrong with her ?


She's pretty, she's talented, she's totally kissable, and guess what ? She likes you..

Oh come on ! Everyone likes me !

There you go again ! The biggest wrong idea..I don't like you..and you do have a pretty shitty reputation everywhere..

So..okay..you're not one of those popular kids, are you ?

Keep thinking, Sparrow. Not gonna tell you..

Anyway..this girl, Hayley. You think she's worth it ?

Well, you wouldn't know unless you go out with her, right ?

But you should know. You're the love coach !

I am the love coach ! Not a freaking stalker !

Okay..I guess..

Give her a chance..if you like her, great ! But, if you don't..then, I'm gonna find another girl for you..

Sounds good..I think..

Good. Finally.

So..what are you doing ?

Trying to keep up the conversation ?


Why ?

I am bored..


And....I do like talking to you..



OH ! You like talking to me ?

Um. I said that, didn't I ?

Yes. Listen..I gotta go..

Okay..sure thing..

Good. Bye.

Bye, Hotline Girl.

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