38 | Apologies

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Chapter Thirty Eight: Apologies

"Hey, Ivy wake up," Aspen says as she tries to wake the sleeping beauty.

"Uh.... Is it morning yet?" Ivy asks with her eyes closed, stretching her arms.

"Yeah. We need to get ready. School starts in an hour." Aspen responds.

Ivy let's out a loud groan before sitting up and opening her eyes slowly. She covers her mouth as she yawns. "I had the weirdest dream," she informs Aspen groggily.

"What about?"

"I dreamt that Luke broke up with me."
Aspen doesn't say anything to that which makes Ivy study her face. The look on Aspen's face tells her it wasn't a dream.

"It's real? It's real..... It's all real," Ivy whispers in disbelief and covers her face with her palms.

Aspen sighs.
Ivy has been like this since yesterday. The moment Luke broke up with her, it felt like things fell apart. Aspen would never have thought a day like this would come -- the day Ivy cries over a guy.

"But I love him." Ivy mumbles with her face still in palms.

"I know, Ivy. I know."
Aspen has heard her say that a lot since she arrived here yesterday. When she got a call from Ivy's mum yesterday, she was flabbergasted. Luke broke up with Ivy. More like Luke dumped Ivy. This would probably be the greatest gossip of senior year. Ivy always does the dumping but this time she couldn't and now, she seems heartbroken.
Hearing Ivy's mum tell her through the phone that Ivy hadn't stopped crying was another shocking revelation on its own.

Cry because of a boy?
Aspen thought it was preposterous and impossible. But she got convinced when came over and she saw it happen with her own eyes and now, it's happening again.

Truth be told, Aspen never thought that Ivy genuinely liked Luke. She thought she was just dating him for status and all that.

Now, Ivy says she loves him. Love? That's on a whole new level. Ivy loves Luke. Ivy hadn't refrained from saying it during her crying spree. Somehow, Luke managed to make Ivy fall for him and now he has broken the queen bee's heart. Or should she say Ivy broke her heart herself?

Ivy had stuffed her face with ice cream at some point of her crying fest yesterday. Aspen had told her to cry it all out as she kept calling Luke names to make her feel better; but obviously she didn't since she's still crying.

"Ivy, you need to get yourself together. We need to get ready for school," Aspen chides.

Ivy wails and plops down on her back. "I don't want to go. I'll just tell mum to call me in sick."

"And everyone would know you're affected by the break up. I can't believe you're saying this. You're the one always against showing weakness." Aspen says.

"I don't care what everyone thinks. Let them think whatever they want. I don't give a damn right now. I just want Luke back," Ivy bawls in exasperation before covering her face with her pink duvet.

"Um.... Okay..." Aspen trails off. It's weird seeing Ivy like this. "Do you want me to stay with you?"

"No. I need some alone time to gather my thoughts," Ivy declines.


"And besides who would feed me all the juicy gossip about me if not you," Ivy adds dryly.

Aspen doesn't comment on that as silence engulfs them for a few seconds.

"Do you think everyone would know?" Ivy break the silence.

Aspen shrugs. "That depends on who Luke has told."

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