F i r s t T e x t

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Hey, um, is this Timberlake Love Hotline ?



What can I help you, my dear lost soul ?

I'm not lost

Oh great ! Less work for me then !

Aren't you supposed to me a helpline person ?


Then why aren't you helping me ?!

Because you haven't told me about your problem !

Oh right..


So, I like this girl..


She's pretty and smart. She kinda hot too..

Who is she ?

Lilliana Summers

What ?!


Two questions..


Are you, by any chance, Damien Sparrow ?

By all chances.
I am Damien Sparrow.

Timberlake High's biggest playboy wants my help in getting a girl..?

Yeah...but how did you know that I was Damien ?

Well, I heard a rumour that you have eyes on Lilliana Summers..


Yep..so..doesn't Lilliana like Seth ?


So, what is the problem ? I heard Seth likes her too..

Yeah. I know..

But why ? Why Lilliana ? If you know that your best friend likes your crush and your crush likes him back too ?

Well, I wanted her first..

It doesn't work that way ! A girl is not a toy !

Geez, calm down..the thing is that..I just really really like her..


And then I can't sacrifice my crush for someone else..

Sometimes, you don't have a choice Damien..

Huh ?
What do you mean ?
Hotline Girl ?
You there ?

My name isn't Hotline Girl..

So, what is your name ?

Yeah, nice try..not telling..


So..why did you come to the Hotline for help ?

Well, I heard from a little birdie that you give good advice..

Is the little birdie Chase ?

How did you know ?

He adores me !

Isn't he with Lilah ?

Yes you doofus ! He asked her out after talking to me..

Oh..then I can ask him your name..

You can try as much as you want..but you ain't gonna get it..


So..Lilliana..I don't know..

Please help me..
Come on..
I like her..
Hello ?
Hotline Girl ?
I guess she went away..

Dedicated to hcrondale for giving the amazing idea for this book and inspiring me..love you..💕💕💕💕

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