Your Spirit Animal

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Badger: Unyielding in the face of danger, tenacity, courage. Fighting for your rights, defending spiritual ideas. Revenge, wisdom, cunning, aggression, perseverance, self-protection, ferocity, intimidation. Action in the face of adversary. Earth magic, storytelling.

Bat: Associated with the Underworld, night, death, dramatic change, avoiding obstacles, initiation, intuition, Shadow work/dark night of the soul, transformation, symbolic death and rebirth. Associated Deities: Camazotz

Bear: Strength, stamina, balance, harmony, protection (especially motherly), defending of the weak, dreams, introspection, subconscious, self-awareness, knowledge, healing. King Arthur is named for the bear. Associated Deities: Artemis, Callisto (Ursa Major), Meilikki, Odin, Veles

Bee: Industry, hard work, royalty, prosperity, fertility, productivity, cooperation. (Honey represents reward, fulfillment, and the elixir of life.) Associated Deities: Ah-Muzen-Cab and Colel Cab, Aristaeus, Dionysus, Melissa, Mellona, Bubilas and Austeja, Bhramari

Blackbird: The Otherworld, spiritual quests, trance, meditation, mystical secrets. Associated Deities: Rhiannon

Boar/Pig/Sow: Cunning, ferocity, strength, leadership, meet challenges head-on/fertility. Associated Deities: Adonis, Demeter, Hestia, Tammuz, Cerridwen, Freyr, Moccus, Veles

Bull/Cow: Strength, virility, power, creation and destruction, sacrifice /wealth, generosity, fertility, nourishment. Associated Deities: Hathor, Apis (Ptah/Osiris), Dionysus, Io, Demuzid/Tammuz, Gugalanna (possibly), Nandi, Prithvi, Moloch, Marduk

Butterfly: Immortality, joy, beauty, the soul, reincarnation, balance, fairies, mental power, metamorphoses (self-transformation and rebirth/transmutation). Associated Deities: Psyche, Iztpapalotl

Cat: Psychic ability, magic, luck, mystery, protection in confrontational situations, independence, intuition, secrets, femininity. Associated Deities: Bastet, Pasht, Freyja, Shashthi

Cock (Rooster): Dispelling negativity, the sun, sexuality.

Crane: The Moon, secrets, shamanic travel, longevity, balance magic, the Otherworld or Underworld.

Deer/Stag: Otherworld guide, gentleness, grace, death and rebirth, spiritual perception, majesty, nobility, virility, strength, compassion, power, self-control, wisdom, peace. Associated Deities: Cernunnos, Herne, Artemis/Diana, Dionysus, Sadhbh

Dog: Loyalty, companionship, intuition, protection, the Underworld, unconditional love, service. Associated Deities: Artemis/Diana, Hecate, Gula/Ninisina, Bhairava, Sarama, Xolotl

Dolphin: The sea, dreams, balance, harmony, breathing, rhythm, communication, harmony. Associated Deities: Apollo ("Delphi"), Dionysus, Aphrodite, Poseidon.

Dove: Peace, gentleness, love, purity, pacifism, spirit. Associated Deities: Aphrodite, Aengus Og, Inanna/Ishtar, Astarte, Christ

Dragonfly: Balance of the emotional and rational, light, illusion, creativity.

Eagle: Vision, swiftness, wisdom, expansion, freedom, strength, power, authority, bravery, creativity, illumination, spirituality, ascension. Associated Deities: Zeus, Perun, Garuda, Thunderbird

Eel: Adaptability, wisdom, inspiration, defense.

Elephant: Removal of obstacles, learning, confidence, power, royalty, sexuality, wisdom, memory. Associated Deities: Ganesha, Indra

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