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My mind was a mess. I still hadn't realized what happened. I should have stayed there, I shouldn't have run off with Nate. Now he was probably in trouble.

Maybe leaving with a stranger was a bad idea after all, but I didn't care anymore. They would kill me if they found me anyway so I had nothing left to lose.

"So why were you there?"

"These people that brought me there, they took me away from my home years ago. I still don't know where I am, they never told me. They don't treat me really nice"

It felt liberating to say this stuff. I felt a whole lot better.

"So why were you crying? Did something specific happen?"

"T-the guy you saw, h-he's the boss and he wants t-to marry me, but I-I-"

Just thinking about it made me want to puke.

"How does he treat you?"

Suddenly all the flashbacks came to me and I couldn't hold back my tears. I hid my face in my hands but he had already noticed.

"I-don't cry please" His voice filled with panic. He looked like he didn't know what to do. "Can I?" He asked holding out his arms. I nodded feeling my heart beating way too fast.

No one ever asked me for anything, I didn't ever have a choice.

He awkwardly wrapped his arms around me but as the seconds passed he was getting more used to it. Unfortunately though he had to pull away after some time.

"I'm sorry if I'm putting you in trouble. They're really dangerous-" his chuckle interrupted me.

"Don't worry. I'll deal with it"

"No! You don't have to, I'll leave today and go find my family. I'm not letting you get in trouble because of me"

"Sweetheart they're the ones in trouble believe me" He said his eyes glinting with mischief.

He had no idea how dangerous they were.

"You don't have to leave just now. We'll find your parents together after I get rid of those "dangerous people." Don't want them getting involved now do we?"

He was right. I would get my family in trouble if I managed to find them soon enough.

"Why are you helping me? You won't get anything out of this" I said and instantly regretted it. I shouldn't talk like that.

"I just want to do something good for once"

"For once?"

"I-I mean it's been a while since I've done something good and I love helping people" he said scratching the back of his neck.

Wow he's so caring and kind.

"I don't want to be a burden-"

"You're not! Don't worry" He said chuckling. "So you want to tell me anything you learned about those guys while you were with them?"

I tried not to think of what they did to me and only think of helpful information. I thought hard biting my lip. I tried to remember names.

"The 'boss's' name is Cole"

"What about his last name? Do you know it?"

"Balker I think"

His eyes went wide and his body tensed immediately.

What happened? Did he know him? Maybe I shouldn't have run. Maybe he was one of them.

"I'll see if I can find anything else about him. I don't want to pressure you and make you remember those times" He said.

I kept my gaze to the floor and nodded.

I was scared. Cole was a very dangerous psychotic person and he was probably already looking for me. I knew he could find me, he just needed time. Nate probably wasn't familiar with that kind of craziness, although I don't want to judge him without knowing he seems way too innocent for that.

"Thank you for your help Nate. I don't know how to-"

"You don't have to think about it. I don't want to leave you alone here but I have to talk to a friend of mine about something very important"

I felt panic rise in me as I thought of the possibility of something happening while he wasn't here.

"It's okay, I'll be fine" I smiled.

"No" He mumbled and looked down thinking. "I don't want you alone. Do you mind if I bring Leo here? Just to watch over you?"

"I-I don't know, I guess it's okay"

Leo was the guy from the other night right? Leo looked kind of cold and scary. I didn't know if it was a good idea but I had nothing left to lose.

"It will only be for half an hour or so. I promise" He said.

I nodded and smiled. I didn't want to make him feel bad about it. His help was already enough.

"Okay I'll call him then" He said and took out his phone.

He waited and waited for Leo to pick up and I felt kind of bad. I didn't want to bother anyone and I had already caused them enough trouble.

"Leo oh my God you finally picked up!" He said suddenly panting. I was beyond confused and worried.

What happened to him now?

"Leo I really need you right now at my apartment! It's an emergency! Please come quick!" He said and ended the call with a smirk on his face.

Our gazes met and I quickly averted mine to the floor.

But gosh his eyes were beautiful. They were so dark and mysterious and inky black color with thick lashes.

Why do all boys have pretty lashes and pretty hair?

Now that I think about it Cole was pretty ugly so maybe not.

"What happened? Why were you panting? Are you okay?" I started bombarding him with a ton of questions.

"I'm great I just needed to make the process a bit shorter" He said smirking.

In a few minutes the bell rang and Leo came running in.

"What happened?" he asked panting and leaned on the wall.

"Oh nothing I just wanted you to watch over Rosy for a little while"


No one had ever called me that but it sounded good. Especially coming from him.

Leo gave him a murderous look. His dark brown eyes were glinting. He looked so angry it reminded me of Cole.

No. No. Don't think about him.

"You brought me here to babysit your girlfriend" Leo said in between deep breaths.

Girlfriend?! Was he referring to me?!

"Well now you're here so you can't really say no" Nate reasoned crossing his arms.

"Fine. If you take longer than an hour I'm leaving" he growled.

"Don't worry it won't take long. Oh and don't scare her" He said the last part through gritted teeth and turned to me. "Bye Rosy" He said blowing me a kiss before leaving.

After about twenty minutes I was sitting on the couch watching TV quietly. I didn't want to annoy Leo. He seemed like he was easily annoyed. He was sitting in the armchair reading a newspaper, sighing from time to time.

This guy looked scary and friendly at the same time. He wore a suit and had his hair sleeked back. He looked like a bodyguard, but him and Nate were probably really close-

"So" He suddenly said making me flinch. He didn't take his eyes off the newspaper. "How's Nate treating you?" He asked with a ghost of a smirk on his lips.

"H-he's really kind and sweet?" I answered quietly"

He didn't say anything. He simply scoffed.

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