Chapter Twenty-Two

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Four days had passed since the twins birthday celebrations and thankfully, I hadn't seen nor heard from Olivia. Gabriel had commanded her to stay away from Kennedy and I, that she was to keep her distance if she wanted to remain part of the pack.

I couldn't help but feel unhappy with the situation but at the same time I could understand why Gabriel didn't want to exile Olivia from the pack. It wasn't in our nature to abandon our pack members so easily especially when you're an Alpha. He felt a responsibility to her and made it clear, it was her last chance.

I almost felt sorry for her, she had concluded in her own mind that Gabriel wanted her, that he viewed her as his mate, his chosen one.

Their relationship had been a sexual one but nothing more, she had obviously caught more feelings than he had.

But continuously causing a drama between Gabriel and I was unacceptable, she needed to be put into her place. The audacity of inviting herself to Gabriel's sisters birthday party while lying about the invitation that Gabriel had invited her, pushed the boundaries.

There was no denying that their relationship had caused me a lot of hurt, she was part of the reason why he rejected me. He relished in having causal relationships, one being with her. Gabriel had constantly gone back and forth with her; she must have seen it as much more than just a hook up.

I had moved on after the rejection when I found Nate. We were both in our own right allowed to move on, and I had accepted that Olivia was part of his past as Nate was part of mine.

Gabriel and I spoke further about our previous relationships and decided to keep them in the past and to move on.

I was taken back by his admission of love for me, I hadn't said it back, but I felt it in my heart. He meant his words and he was showing me he did.

Gabriel had even asked me on a date, he was taking me out for dinner tonight, to a restaurant which was owned by a pack member.

I had around two hours to get ready, I was still staying in the spare room with Kennedy. Although, I was beginning to struggle with maintaining the mate pull, it was almost impossible now, the closer Gabriel and I got, the harder the undeniable connection was.

The mate pull was incredibly strong.

Gabriel had found himself struggling from the fierce and dominating instincts of his wolf. His wolf wanted to complete the mating process, starting with his bite mark to claim me as his mate.

The first step is the marking, it is when your true or chosen mate bites you between your neck and your shoulder blade, it identifies you as their mate, changing your scent to match theirs. The last step is the mating process, the sexual act in making you fully theirs, your connection to their pack solidifying you as one of their own, along with feeling and sensing each other's emotions enabling you to comminute through a mind link.

Usually, the female would join the male's pack unless there were factors which affected the situation, whether one wolf had a higher rank or if they were in a same sex relationship which allowed them to choose which pack, they wanted to stay with.

Alpha's usually passed down their Alpha titles to their first-born sons, on occasions if their first-born daughters wanted to keep their title, they would. It wasn't common for Alpha's to have daughters before having a son.

Gabriel's wolf had made it known how much he wanted to complete the mating process, the control between Gabriel and his wolf had been diminishing, Gabriel's wolf often taking control, his eyes contorting into their black shade, showing the presence of his wolf.

Gabriel and I had been keeping a little distance the past day or two since our kiss at the birthday celebrations.

His wolf and mine, had both made it known that they wanted to complete the mating process.

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