Chapter 4: Tough Skin

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"Erin, you better give that rat to me."

Rylan was still struggling to free his hand, so Arron didn't think that his threats were quite, well, as threatening as they would normally be. In fact, Erin didn't even seem to even be breaking a sweat.

"Or what? You'll hack up a hairball at me? Get lost, Rylan. You know you can't win against me, even with your little kitties behind you."

It didn't even sound like taunting, which was actually kinda scary. He wasn't sure how one kid could match three others who were top predators. Arron expected Erin to be at least a little concerned, but he was soon shown why he had no reason to care about the lions right then.

As Rylan took a swing at Erin with his free hand, the kid released his other one and stepped forward, making Rylan's swing overextend. He stumbled into him, and Erin immediately shoved him back just enough to wind up and swing his own fist at the lion shifter.

Wow, that's going to hurt.

The punch looked like it had hurt, a lot. Rylan was hit so hard he was forced back between his two friends and into the tiled bathroom wall. Arron was beyond stunned as he saw the damaged kid drop to the floor with dust and few chipped pieces of tile falling down on him. There was only one animal who could do that to a lion with such little effort... and judging from the vanishing gray wrinkles around Erin's eyes, he definitely was that animal.


By the time Arron snapped back to himself and looked over to the lions again, Rylan's two friends had him up and were dragging him out of the bathroom.

"Well, that was fun." Erin said nonchalantly before Arron was suddenly being held up in front of his grinning face. What are you looking at me like that for?

His silent question was answered right away as Erin leaned in and blew a raspberry on his belly.

Oh, come on. I am not a baby! Arron thought as he hissed loudly, making the kid finally set him down on the floor.

"Sorry, sorry. I just couldn't help myself. I love cute things."

Arron's eyes narrowed as he stomped over and lifted his little leg near Erin's pants. The obvious gesture got the guy jumping away and looking a little more apologetic.

"Please don't do that. I'll treat you normally from now on, just don't pee on me." Erin said, holding his hands up in a slight defensive gesture.


After a long moment of silence in which they just happened to stare each other down, Arron hesitantly allowed his human form to take over... only to get lifted right back up and another raspberry blown on his chest.

"What the hell are you doing?" He growled as his still-clawed scraped along Erin's cheek. The kid's darn skin was seriously strong, he couldn't even leave a single mark.

"I told you not to do that again!" Arron practically hissed.

"Well, technically you just tried to pee on my leg..."

"Shush!" Arron yelled, pointing at him with the angriest face he could manage as he was finally set down again. Evidently it wasn't making him look anything but cute, because the stupid elephant was grinning like he was still in his kitten form and turning up the cuteness.

"I swear I'm trying to get my mind wrapped around the fact that you're angry, but it's just not working with that messy hair and adorable-"


With an aggravated hiss Arron turned on his heals and stomped into the handicap stall, slamming the door in Erin's face as he started stepping forward.

Wait, was he actually going to try and come in here with me?

"You're a pervert." Arron grumbled.

"Well, just a little." Erin replied, a hint of humor in his voice.

Arron decided not to give him an answer to that as he walked over and fished his clothing out of his bag. He couldn't believe that he had wasted his whole first day at his new school sitting in a toilet.

Once he was completely dressed he stepped out, slinging his backpack over his shoulders, only to see Erin still standing there with a stupid grin on his face.


His smile widened slightly as he shrugged and turned toward the door, easily keeping pace with Arron as he headed out into the hall. The final bell would be ringing in an hour or so, but he didn't see any reason to sit through one class.

Guess my official start day will be tomorrow.

"I'm going home. Uh, thanks for helping. Bye." Arron muttered as he headed down the front steps of the school building quickly, only to hear feet following. Oh come on...

With a scratchy growl he turned once his feet hit solid ground. He tried to open his mouth to tell Erin to stop following him, but found lips gently sealing them closed before he could get out any words.

"Just taking my thank you, cutey."

Arron's whole mind kind of blanked until the door to the front of the school building clicked closed behind Erin.

That was my first kiss, you darn elephant! 

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