25-life is so simple... right?

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Silvers appearance(right eyes is red not gold)^

Since the exam is over, me and oniisan walked around the academy and oniisan told me the layout of the whole school and I memorized it.

After a couple hours we ended up going home and spent the rest of the day sleeping cause we are lazy and that is our life.

I awoke this morning to oniisan nudging me and he says "come on Ai, we need to go to school, I got news... your in my class~" I jump up and hug oniisan.

We once again got ready for school, oniisan helped me, we took the carriage with all our belongings and we waved goodbye to our father... I started calling him father.

We arrived at the dorms next to the academy, our room is 8, we start walking around in search of our room, when we found our room we went in and oniisan and me spent the next 30 minutes unpacking then we went to class.

We arrived at his class of course we are 10 minutes late if I'm correct but... I don't really care.

We walk in and oniisan says "sorry we were unpacking in our dorm and lost track of time and this is the new student my sister." The teacher nods and lets him off, oniisan picks me up and I introduce myself to the room of 15-17 year olds.

I then introduce myself, "My name is Silver, I was raised as an orphan, then I was experimented and tortured on by the one that took me in as a slave, and then taken by slave traders and sadists, then father found me and took me in, and I love my brother very much, go within 6 meters of him I will cut that part of you off, I don't care if anyone here dies other then oniisan.

Everyone nodded and I then added "classes are an exception but if you flirt, seduce or even try to tempt him it's fair game and I.WILL. KILL. YOU." They all nodded and fear was evident on their faces.

When I was done oniisan hugged me and since there was no spare desk yet I sat on oniisan's lap, I already knew everything they were teaching so I fell asleep in oniisan's arms.

I woke up to my classmates looking down on my face I rub my eyes and look around, when I can't see oniisan I ask "Where's oniisan?" A boy walks forward and says "the teacher is scolding him for letting you sleep." The anger was evident since I was releasing an insane amount of blood lust and killing intent.

Oniisan rushed in while the teacher was scared,  Oniisan picked me up and hugged me and prevented me from murdering the teacher, after a while I fell asleep again.

I ended up waking up in a lesson, it was like that on and off all day.

I awoke to the bell ringing and noticed I was on the grass, there was no one around, I sniffed the air and followed oniisan's scent.

I heard laughing and a smug voice say "for a prince you gave up easily just for a baby." I peaked around the corner and saw 3 boys ganging up on oniisan, I got pissed, my blood lust and killing intent once again oozed from me.

I walked out and used my magic and summoned and sword, I then teleported behind a kid and sliced up his back, then the second I cut off his arm and then for the one that bullied oniisan, I used magic and strapped him down and then I tortured him till he was on the verge of death then gave him healing magic and repeated the process for 16 minutes, when I was done I rushed over to oniisan and healed his wounds.

I was crying and hugging him... I was so scared he get seriously injured... that's how the guards sent by father found us, me crying in oniisan's arms 2 unconscious and injured kids on the ground and one on the floor having more signs of torture than they've ever seen before.

When we got back oniisan explained how he was being hurt without any resistance for the sake of protecting me, and how when I found him I injured 2 of them severely and tortured the other for 20 minutes. Father was shocked.

After oniisan had finished explaining... I sighed and fell asleep once again.

Like really I'm always so tired, like excuse me I don't want to be a sloth for the rest of my life!!!

For the next 5 years me and oniisan spent hours and many time together, when we both turned 18 it was decided that we'd be getting married, since apparently in this world having multiple wives, husbands and incest were all legal, that's how it went until... something that made all in the kingdom cry... Father was assassinated.

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