just the beginning

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1 - Just the beginning

Serenity had no idea the first of October would be such an important yet mistake-filled night.

One mistake lead to another.

Let's catch up and get a drink! Is what she suggested.

Drunk Serenity was a stupid Serenity.

Because as soon as the toxic liquid entered her body, she lost control which terrified her... Yet she wanted to forget and forget. Losing control along with the balance of temporary memory loss always tipped in the wrong direction. Some days she would cry about her past, forget her past by avoiding it, mourn her past with an ache in her chest but sometimes she wanted to drown out her past with different types of alcohol and tonight was one of those moments for her. Her past sometimes liked to meddle with her moving present.

Drunk Serenity is unable to make rational choices, structured sentences and her words are usually far from careful, which is why she blames her stupid mistake on the alcohol. Mistakes are inevitable but with the influence of alcohol, emotions and actions are no longer yours.

"I should've never let you drink this much- you can't even walk straight." A manly laugh was heard as she held onto him tightly. She needed assistance and this is the only time she will accept it from a trustworthy man.

"Come on Serenity." He wrapped his arm around her. His protective hold made her feel better already. There was a part of her that didn't want to sober up. "We're at yours. Time for you to sleep."

And before she knew it, she was lying on the bed- staring up at the ceiling and drowning out her friends' goodnight. How could she possibly sleep with alcohol and a collection of memories in her system?

"Wait! Hoseok!"

"Hm?" The male turned around, raising a perfect brow- his hand still on the door handle. He had never experienced this side to Serenity before. He tried his best to handle the situation with care and respect but now he wanted to leave- the night had tired him out.

"Do me a favour." Serenity murmured, loud enough for him to hear and then got out of bed- her feet landing with a dull thud. She crouched down to retrieve a scruffy container- a small special box with scattered meanings, wondrous stories of love and tenderness along with heartbreak. She hadn't touched it in a long time.

She shook it gently before a smile grew on her face, mischief waving hello in her eyes. She remembered. "Send all these letters, every single one of them." She pushed it into his chest, drunk and joyful- a combination she expected and welcomed with easiness.

The next morning is when she realises what she did and how there's no going back.

It's just the beginning.

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