4. The Mistaken Identity

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Cassidy Clarke POV

How could have I been so stupid?

Did I really think he liked me? He laughed at my jokes, and my incessant rambling and I just thought that he liked me.

"fucking idiot." I mutter to myself. I was driving for the last 20 minutes, roughly halfway home. Aspen still loves messing up my life. Do I even deserve to be loved? Do I deserve for someone to like me for who I am? Sometimes I find it really difficult to find an answer to that question.

As I was speeding down the road the light ahead of me turned red. I slowed down and came to a stop. Tapping my fingers impatiently on the wheel I was raking my head for the signs that James wasnt interested in me. But I couldnt see them. "am I really that bor-"

My car jerked forward. "what the fuck?" I yell as I unlocked my belt and swung my door open. I stomped towards the back of my car. "what the fuck?" I groan. I looked to the jeep that was beaten at the front similar to the back of my car. I looked around for the person who was driving the jeep.

A firm hand suddenly came over my mouth. "mrrmmhh" I groaned as my fought against him. my hands were on his as I saw more guys coming out from the car. I stomped on his foot and heard him groan, I then yanked his hand off my mouth and twisted it behind his back. "fuck." he said as I shoved him down on the ground.

The guy, I could now see was a blonde was standing up as I was being surrounded by four other guys. I looked for an opening and saw one between the red head and another blonde. I made a sprint and the blonde grabbed me, I pulled my arm from him as the red head ran for me, I kicked my leg out and it landed on the red head's chest as I elbowed the blonde in the nose. A cracked sounded and I turned around to come face to face with the barrel of a gun.

I was breathing heavily as my eyes darted to the figures. The guy in front of me had short hair and gorgeous eyes. I turned behind me and saw the other blonde was helping the red head up.

"Aspen, you'll pay for double crossing us" the tall Greek God like guy seethed. Holding his gun firmly in his grim directed at my head.

"you'll regret this bitch" the blonde snapped.

"I am not Aspen." I state attempting to remain calm. The anger still evident in my voice.

The guy to the main guy's left was still clutching his broken nose, courtesy of moi. A glare plastered on his face.

"that's funny, Aspen, you must have gotten a sense of humour all of a sudden." the guy who's nose I broke said distastefully.

"Drew get the rope from the car." the guy holding the gun to my head ordered and the blonde who wasn't really in the fight made his way towards the beat up jeep. I attempted to move slightly. "don't. fucking. move. Aspen." he hisses.

I glare at them. "I. am. not. Aspen." I state gritting my teeth. As I eyed the guy - Drew - as he came back with rope.

"Aspen. Don't make this harder than it already is."

Aspen this, Aspen that. My whole fucking life I've been mistaken for the devil spawn. My 'perfect' twin Sister Aspen.

She's ruined my life. Sleeping with my boyfriend, threatening me, torturing me.

This did it. I snapped. I finally snapped, and it only took getting fucking kidnapped!

I threw my arms up in the air in exasperation.

"quit fucking lying Aspen, we know it's you, you really think we're that stupid?" the red headed guy, said.

"I. Am. Not. Aspen." I seethe.

"are we actually buying this? The Blonde asked.

"for fuck sake. She is my twin, BUT I hate her with every cell in my body."

They laugh.

"you're all so fucking thick. If Aspen was on fire and I had a whole fire truck full of water, I would stick the hose down my throat and drown myself before I did anything to help her." I huff clenching and unclenching my fists.

The guy in front of my furrowed his eyebrows.

"Je ne suis pas elle, idiots stupides!"(I am not her you stupid idiots) I exclaim.

"d-did she just speak French?" the guy Drew asked.

"si l'ho fatto" (yes I did) "that was Italian if you didn't catch on." I state as I make eye contact with him.

"as I have been saying. I. Am. Not. Aspen. She is my twin sister. And has made my life a living hell." I state, as I run my hands over my face. The guy in front of me opened his mouth in confusion as he furrowed his brows again.

I sigh. "I guess one of you fucked her?" I took their silence as a yes and continued. "right, well then you can see that I am not Aspen." I say as I lifted up my sweater and pulled it off, leaving me in my crop top and leggings, my rose tattoo was visible as well as my phoenix tattoo on my back.

"Leon? Does this make any sense to you?" Drew asks.

"you really aren't Aspen." The guy in front of me says. Leon, that's a sexy name, too bad he wasted himself on Aspen.

"yes, now that that is sorted out, can I ask why the fuck you want my sister?" I asked as I crossed my arms.

"not here. You're still coming with us Asp- what's your name?" Leon asks. More like demands.

"Cassidy. And I'm not - fuck. You really aren't going to let me leave are you!?" I groan.

"Drew give me the rope." a guy behind me asks. Drew throws the rope to the gut behind me. "now sweetheart, Cassidy? Please don't make this hard." he grabs my wrists and winds the rope tightly around them he secures it as my sweater drops from my hands, I grunt as I pull away from him and glare at him, he grabs my arm but I push my feet to the ground, stopping him from dragging me. The Leon guy walked up to me and bent down. "what the fuck are you doi- ugh." I groan as I move on his shoulder. "God she's still fucking ruining my life!" I yell as Leon, throws me into the back seat of the jeep. "Grant, take her car and meet us back home." Leon states. "and your all fucking assholes!!" I yell again. I sit up as the back doors open. "I swear I'm going to kick you all so fucking hard that you won't be able to have ki-mrrmmphmm" the guy being me shoves a gag in my mouth. I move around in his arms as Leon starts the car.

Fucking Aspen.

A/n double update. Hello my lovelies, just wanted to post another chapter. Yay!! It's actually happened!!

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