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A thump resonated in your ears

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A thump resonated in your ears.

Jungkook's unwavering gazes pierced through your shocked ones like a sharp blade. A small smirk flashed on his face ㅡ a sign of victory hidden behind them.

"W ㅡ what? Why!"

You asked the irrational Jungkook.

"Why? Because we're husband and wife."

He answered, this time, you didn't feel flattered, not even an ounce. You know he speaks with empty words. He didn't meant that way. It was only business to him.

'That reason again...'

You tugged down your lips, feeling upset but you hated yourself the most at that moment. There was a small hint of relief that he didn't accept it. You felt happy that he rejected your resignation letter.

"If there is nothing more that you want to say, I need to ask you to leave. You probably come in here without any appointment. My secretary would have stopped you if they were there."

Jungkook removed his gazes from you ㅡ focusing on his work once again while spinning his ball pen between his fingers.

You couldn't say anything afterward. Staying like a mute, you couldn't stood there any longer. Knowing that he doesn't wants to have any conversation anymore, you take your leave.

"Sorry for wasting your precious time."

You slightly bowed, your tone laced with sarcasm.

Afterward, you walked straight out of the office room and slammed the door behind you.

'Oh god, what should I say to Hoseok after this?'

You whispered inside before ruffling your neatly combed hair into a tide of mess. You heard a clang of high heels across the hall and saw a woman ㅡ probably the secretary, returning with mountain of files in her hands.

"N ㅡ need a help?"

You voiced at her , knowing that you might sounded rude but you had the urge to do so. The beautiful woman whirled in your direction. A smile carved on her red lips as she shook her head as a no.

Your eyes inspected her from head to toe. She was very beautiful with dainty white skin that matched well with her jet black hair. Her face was like a doll and her long hair framed her small face.

"Do you need anything though, Eunhee - ssi?"

She placed down the files and politely asked with a broad smile. You widened your eyes slightly when she said your name.

"How do you know my name?"

"Everyone in the company know your name. After all that romantic getaway on Mister Jung Hoseok's birthday party."

She sighed dreamily ㅡ clamping her hands together while daydreaming of something.

"Oh... Right."

You laughed awkwardly whilst scratching your head.

"Well, I'll go now. Bye."

You quickly waved at her before running out of the hall and stopped at the elevator. Little did you know, rumors were spreading around the building. A little scene could caused such a riot.

'Wait, then Jungkook must knew about it too!'

You gasped, covering your mouth. You were weirded out since he didn't mentioned a thing about it. You thought that maybe it still hasn't gotten in his ears yet.

'Yeah, I'm sure that is. If not, he would've fired me.'


"What! He rejected it?"

Hoseok blurted loudly, attracting unwanted attentions towards you and him.

It was Friday's night and the cold gentle breeze reminded you to drink to de-stress yourself. You went out with Hoseok, wanting to have a drink with him and delivered the news to him.

"Yeah, he flat out said no. I don't understand."

You said, a hint of frustration laced in your tone. You grabbed a drink before slipping it down your throat. The warm liqour felt hot inside your throat ㅡ you shut your eyes tightly.

"Wow, Jungkook. You have been doing nothing but surprising me."

You heard Hoseok mumbling something under his breath but you couldn't hear him clearly. You shrugged it off, thinking it wasn't important.

"So, what should I do now?"

"Maybe I should talk to him."

You widened your eyes, quickly shaking your head. You almost choked on your spit. If he were to talk about it with Jungkook, the secret marriage will totally be revealed.

"N ㅡ no! You can't do that!"

You panicked.

"Why not?"

Hoseok cocked a brow in suspicion as he eyed you with squinted eyes.

You blinked several times before coughing and fixing your position. An awkward laughter trailed off your lips as you took another shot of liqour.

After mingling and few shots of vodka, your eyelids started to feel heavy ㅡ your vision turning bleary as you swayed around and clinged yourself on Hoseok who was still as sober as day.

"Horseok! Drink! Drink! Chug em' goods!"

You smacked his back loudly before bursting into a fit of laughter. Hoseok only laughed, his face expressed terror as he watched the drunken you.

"Eunhee, I think that's enough. You're drunk."

Hoseok tried calming you, wrapping his hands around your shoulders as he pulled you up on your trembling legs. You felt the alcohol effect weakening your body wholly.

You turned around, you couldn't see Hoseok's face clearly ㅡ assuming he was Jungkook, you put your arms around his neck, pulling your self closer to him.

"Why are you always pushing me away? Are you still saying that you don't know about my feelings for you?"

You spoke drunkenly, hiccuping on words. You rested your head on his chest. Your could hear his heart beating fast against his chest. A smile hugged your lips as you stared at his face mischievously.

"I will make you fall for me."

You uttered, inching your face closer to him. You could already feel his hot breaths grazing your cheeks.

Your lips were a gap away from his.


FINALLY DONE. i was having crisis ATM. I felt like my writing isn't good enough lately so I take a break from writing for two days to clear my head and boom I FEEL LIKE I ACHIEVED SMTG BIG JAHDJD

Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed and I apologize for the late update.
Stay tune for the next chap since I will serve another plate of drama ;))

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