Chapter 3....

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Super shout out to MissYvy who made my cover!!!!!! It looks amazing and thank you so much! Everyone make sure to go check out her stories cause they are AMAZING! Please go check her out :)

Song on the side Enchanted by Taylor Swift. Thought it fit for Layla. Plus I absolutely love this song.

Kacey Simms played by Lucy Hale on the side ————>



My fingers made their way up and through Ashton's hair. It was thick and soft, just how it looks. Even though his lips were soft they were hard and demanding. Instinctively my lips moved against his just as hard and my legs started to wrap around his waist. A small moan started in my throat and threatened to break free. Just as quick as the kiss started it quickly ended. Before I could even open my eyes I felt Ashton untangle my legs from his waist and take a step back. The warmth of his body left me and I sat there stunned and cold. What-

"There's a spare toothbrush in the far drawer to your left. I'll go get you some clothes." Ashton coldly said and turned and left the bathroom. I stared after him confused. Did I do something wrong?? He basically just kissed me suddenly, pulled away, told me my breath stank and left. Great. I thought to myself.

I slid off off the counter and carefully landed on my feet, I lifted a hand to my tingling lips. Wow that was a great kiss. Deciding it's easier to stand and walk without my shoes I slipped them off placing them on the counter. I took a deep breath to get myself ready to look in the mirror and I'm glad I did. My hair looked like a bird had made a nest in it, my makeup was smeared and my cheek and lip were swollen and taking on a purple color already. I groaned, no wonder Ashton made a quick getaway. Wonder what Kacey's going to say about my face tomorrow. I pondered. She didn't know a lot about what my parents did to me. The only reason she found out was when I was put in the hospital one day. I had made her promise to not say anything to anyone, especially her parents.

As high school went on and my beatings got worse it was becoming harder to conceal my bruises. On most days I would leave for school extra early and head to Kacey's house so she could help me cover the bruises on my face and neck. I always joked I helped Kacey learn how to put makeup on better but she never found it funny. Sighing at my thoughts I shook my head clearing them.

Taking Ashton's advice I made my way towards the drawer Ashton told me where the spare toothbrushes were. Brushing my teeth I stared at my reflection. Staring at the bruise I couldn't help but think of my family. It's been about 3 or 4 years since I've been hit. The hits use to be so regular that I had gotten use to it but now after years of none my cheek stung and throbbed. I was so focused on my past I didn't hear Ashton knocking and calling my name. When the door opened and Ashton started shaking my shoulder I finally knocked out of it.

"Huh?" I asked.

"I just said I found you some clothes. I only have men clothes so hope they fit." He said plainly handing me them.

"Thank you." I said taking the clothes from his hands. All he did was nod and left the room closing the door behind him again. I looked down at the clothes and saw he brought my a grey t-shirt and a pair of boxers. Smiling I set them on the counter next to my heels and reached back to undo my dress. My hands fumbled with the zipper. After a few minutes of struggling I gave up. Damn it. Sighing I opened the door and peeked around for Ashton. Seeing no one I called out for him.

"Ashton?" I called. I waited but didn't see him. "Ashton?!" I called out louder. A second later he came into view from down the hall.

"Yes?" He asked.

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