Lunch and....Superheroes? || Chapter 3 ||

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Nathanael was a nice kid. He was quiet and always had his nose in his sketchbook but he was nice. Class was boring and everyone other than the blonde girl, Chloe, was trying their best not to be loud and disturb someone else. Though it seemed like Chloe's mission was to disrupt everyone. Thankfully lunch came. I gathered my things and walked down to Adrien and Nino.

"So, is Chloe always like that?" I asked quietly, trying not to attract the girl's attention. Nino couldn't help but laugh which caught the attention of the two girl's behind him.

"Sadly yes, she doesn't stop" Adrien said, sighing, and giving me a sad smile. I shrugged knowing better than to think she'll change. Nino and Adrien gathered their stuff and accompanied me to my locker so I could put my stuff away.

"So, how is Paris treating you?" Adrien asked as we walked to his and Nino's lockers. I smiled thinking about finding my soulmate.

"It's certainly brought me some unexpected surprises but it's a beautiful city" I said, smiling at both boys. They smiled in return as they started putting their things away. Chloe walked straight up to Adrien and wrapped her arms around him, causing him to jump. My eyes widened in surprise and Nino just sighed, shaking his head.

"Uh hey Chloe" Adrien said in confusion, trying to get her to unwrap her arms. Chloe's little redheaded friend glared at me the whole time, making me feel silently uncomfortable. I elbowed Nino and nodded at the redhead with a raised eyebrow.

"Chloe, what are you doing?" Nino asked irritated. Adrien was getting irritated but you could see he was trying to be polite. Eventually he gave up on being polite and removed Chloe from himself and turned her around, giving her a light push. Adrien walked off with a sigh and Nino grabbed my arm, dragging me with him.

"So, we're going off campus for lunch today?" Nino asked Adrien who only nodded in return. I didn't realise Chloe got to him that much. Adrien stopped at a small café and I smiled. It was cute. I looked around, trying to memorise the area so I could come back when I spotted Adrien's face.

"Adrien, is that your face over there?" I asked, pointing at the poster. He turned his head to look at it and blushed slightly. Nino chuckled and slapped his friend's back.

"Adrien here is a model" Nino said, making Adrien's blush darken. Of course, he is. I shrugged, telling Adrien that it didn't matter to me. Adrien smiled gratefully before leading us inside.

"Lunch is on me" the blonde declared and both Nino and I went to protest but saw the look on his face and decided against it. Adrien ordered for us and we sat at an outside table. I pulled out my notebook and a pen, deciding to doodle a bit while waiting for lunch. Adrien took the pen off me and doodled in my notebook as well. We kept taking turns on adding little drawings here and there while Nino watched amused.

"Hey Nino, Adrien" A girl spoke, causing all three of us to look up. There stood a girl with darker skin and reddish-brown hair. Another girl was hiding behind her and she had big blue eyes and navy hair in two pigtails.

"Oh hey guys, what are you doing out here?" Adrien asked, smiling at them. They were the girls that sit behind both boys in class. The blue haired girl started stuttering and falling over her words before groaning and face palming. I rose my eyebrow slightly.

"Oh hey, you're the new girl. Riva, right?" the darker girl asked. I nodded my head slowly, not sure what to think of the girl. She smiled kindly.

"I'm Alya and my friend here who can't figure out how to speak is Marinette" she introduced them both. I nodded and smiled back politely. Alya pulled out a chair and sat directly in front of me. I was shocked and slightly uncomfortable.

"What's your opinion of Paris' superheroes? You know as someone new to the city" she asked me, looking serious. Uh what? Superheroes? That's just comic book stuff. Right?

"Uh superheroes?" I asked, incredibly confused and looking to both Nino and Adrien for help. Was this girl messing with me? She looked genuinely shocked before she started typing on her phone and handing it to me. Ladybug and Chat Noir? I scrolled down reading about Paris' superhero duo. So, Paris really did have superheroes. Wow.

"Do you have a picture of them?" I asked, getting increasingly more excitedly. Alya beamed and nodded. She took her phone back and typed some more before showing me two superheroes. I don't know what I was expecting but this wasn't it.

"Oh wow, I was not expecting a cute blonde in skin tight leather" I said pulling the phone closer to my face. Adrien choked and Alya chuckled.

"I don't think any of Paris' ladies were ready for it" Alya admitted. Marinette made some inhuman noise that Alya apparently understood as she excused herself and they left. Our food was put on the table and we began eating.

"So, you like superheroes?" Nino asked, going back to eating his food. I swallowed my mouthful and nodded excitedly.

"Yeah I do. You should see my comic collection. It takes up a whole bookcase in my living room" I stated, quite proud of my collection. Both boy's eyes nearly fell out of their heads.

"You two are more than welcome to come over whenever you'd like" I told them, smiling softly before going back to my food.

Soon we had to go back to class and Adrien was practically dragging his feet, not wanting to go anywhere near Chloe. Nino would make jokes about it the whole time, whereas I just felt bad for the blonde. We all exchanged numbers before heading back into class.

I sat next to Nathanael who gave me a shy smile and I smiled back. He hid in his red hair and went back to his sketchbook. Chloe walked in just before the bell and gave me a confident smirk. What is her problem with me? I rose my eyebrow and glared back at the little redhead at her side. I was not going to be bullied.

"Adrikins, what are you doing after school?" Chloe asked loud enough for the whole class to hear. I rolled my eyes. How does she not see that he isn't interested? Adrien didn't even answer, he just put his head on the desk and I laughed which set Nino off. Chloe glared at me and I waved her off.

With A Pen To My Arm || Adrien Agreste/Chat NoirWhere stories live. Discover now