Chapter 86

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Diane sighed as she crossed another name off her list of leads of accepting locations. The sun was just barely peeking above the horizon. We always left the settlements before the sun rose. I was getting more and more confused with each place we stopped.

We had been to 14 settlements so far, most of which had a reputation for being fair and accommodating. All of them had turned us away the instant Diane told them about our glowing eyes. Often the leader refused even before Diane let her eyes glow. Some places we had stopped at during the day and simply kept going instead of spending the night.

I didn't understand why they were so scared of glowing eyes. Was it because in this new zombie infested world that the unknown was often dangerous? Okay, Diane was a fierce fighter, but they didn't know that. She hadn't so much as rested her hand on her dagger hilt. Perhaps it was our slight differences that set us apart.

I skipped along beside her. Being on the road didn't put a damper on my cheerfulness. To the contrary, I preferred to be traveling with Diane. We often decided what to do together. Even just the small things such as where we wanted to eat lunch or when.

It was much better than sitting with a bunch of strangers in a big dining hall and following the schedule that they dictated. It was still late spring, and winter was a long ways away, so it didn't even concern me yet. I looked up at Diane, "What is our next stop?"

"Out of all of the names we were given, there is only one place left. To be honest, it was the most recommended place. It is called Mountain Fort and it is supposedly north of the Rocky Mountains on the border of the Alberta and BC border, near a town called Grande Cache."

I tilted my head, "Why was it the most recommended?"

Diane's eyes glanced around in an unconscious surveillance check before answering, "This place has strict rules and everyone had to pull their own weight, but one thing stands out. The man in charge does not care about your past or what you may have done wrong previously. You are given six months to prove yourself and then you are in, unless you break the rules too badly."

I perked up, that did sound promising. "How far away is this place?"

"Quite far. We are just south of Edmonton right now, so we will have to travel west and north. It may take us a month, perhaps two. It is quite a remote place. There are a few settlements between here and there, but none were noted for being overly welcoming. What do you say we skip those ones and head to Mountain Fort?"

I nodded eagerly. Being turned away constantly both irritated and saddened Diane, although she tried not to let it show. She was so kind and caring, it wasn't fair for her to have to go through that time and time again.

She grinned, "Now all we have to do is find this place. That is easier said than done considering that one patch of highway looks a lot like another patch without signs. People know its general location, but no one had exact directions."

I giggled, "So we jog!" As if either of us was scared of exercise...

Diane started laughing, "Indeed, so we will jog!"

It had been two months since I was bitten. The past few weeks had seen my abilities improve by leaps and bounds. I rarely ever felt tired, even though I moved almost all day long. My eyes truly glowed at night now, a weak glow that was much dimmer than Diane's, but it was still a glow and not a glimmer. The blue-tinted view of the night forest fascinated me whenever we went out at night. I could feel the heat with strong emotion or if I pushed myself too hard, but I still couldn't control it yet.

I bolted off in one direction, "Last one to that apple tree is a rotten egg!"

I moved my feet as fast as possible and felt the heat in my blood shift as it helped me run even faster. It didn't burn at this low level anymore. Diane passed me and I could see her eyes shimmering faintly as she used the heat in her own blood to beat me.

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