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Chapter 2

A job per day. That's how it's been the last couple of... Well years. It was the same routine over and over, Wayne had forced me to take off one day out of the work- filled week. That day varies but I've kept my promise.

I drove down and slowly came to a stop by a building I recognize only from an image. I reach over for my breakfast burrito that I'm barely getting to eat. Filled with melted cheese, bacon, scrambled eggs, and beans. It's still early so I can safely say I can eat and take my time.

Meanwhile I do that, I go ahead and take out the file with the information of this job.

Brenton Gordon
28 years old
"He'll be in his office from 8 to noon. Do it at any moment in between those times. I want him dead, bloody. His face unrecognizable." -anonymous.

I enjoy reading their little side notes. Sometimes, like this guy, they're not so bad but sometimes they're incredible detailed. It makes my job easier when they tell me what they want to be done. I play out their gore-filled fantasies they wouldn't dare to actually do themselves. That's why they're called fantasies.

And I relished in them.

Brenton Gordon is one paranoid motherfucker. He has five bodyguards all trained with different styles ranging from military combat to kung fu.

I made background checks on all of them and I've taught myself how to fight each and every one of them. There won't be surprises. This job is going to pay me 20K to kill the man plus my extra charge of 5K for the bodyguards.

I always charge for who I'll be killing.

As I look over the file one last time I'm interrupted by my work phone as it begins to buzz. After activating the voice changer, I answer the call.

"Uh... is this the assassin?"

I don't speak.

"You're him right?"

Magic phrase please. Come on now I don't have all day.

The line goes silent for a few seconds but the man is still on the phone. I can hear his breathing, and almost taste his hesitance. "La muerte?"

"State your request and payment." I order him.

"This isn't really something I can say through the phone..." humans.

"If you managed to get my number, then you got my email. You know what to do." I hang up and park my care in a dark area where it wouldn't be seen. Finishing my burrito I get out of my car. I look up at the very tall building and briefly at the civilians casually passing by. None look my way.

I crack my neck and my fingers. Getting my body ready for what's to come. Pressing my fingers together I steadily ignite my power. It manifests into short sparks of blue and a yellow red.

Werewolves aren't born with powers. But I am far from special. On one of my missions I met a male shifter, one such as myself. He performed a form of telekinesis but he called it using his chi. Curiosity made itself evident and I started questioning him. He said he wasn't born with it but he learned to use it. And he told me where he learned. So I left for 14 weeks to this Temple in Japan. The journey there had taken up three days because of how difficult it took to get there. I had to hike up miles and miles of mountain to get to the very top. They taught me physical and spiritual endurance and strength. As well as to heal my body and have control over my mind and all it's functions. But what I wanted, they didn't teach me, until I had mastered those techniques. They unlocked power within me that I never knew I had. It was painful and excruciatingly unbearable. They had to put my body through hard tasks to unlock my power...

... similar to that Deadpool scene but also not at all. I am no mutant, and I wasn't left in a lab for days. That's Logan's favorite movie, I lost count how many times he's made me watch it with him.

During my stay there I learned that werewolves have hidden power within them, given to us by the Moon Goddess. But having it doesn't mean we can use it. Unless we train. But hardly any werewolves know of this.

But there's a negative that comes with using my powers. The only side effect to this is that the more I use it, the hungrier I become and when I add that to how much I already eat, it's a lot. But it doesn't matter.

Everything I've sacrificed, and the things I've done was to get here. I'm only good at one thing; killing, therefore, I have to be the best. It's all I can do to give back to the pack. To give back to Wayne. I'd do anything for him.

I get out of my car and just before entering the building I place my hand against the walls. I send my power into the wires and soon they reach the main power for all the surveillance cameras in the building, succeeding in turning them off.

I walk inside the luxurious building. I pass the front desk but the woman doesn't seem to notice my presence. I stop in front of the elevators and ride one up. The guards are too busy running to some unknown area to stop or notice me. Most likely going to check on the video cameras.

Brenton's office is on the top floor. I close my eyes to check if he is in fact still there. My chi flows out of me and serves to show me what I don't see with my eyes. He's sitting on his desk yelling at someone on the phone. I'll have to disconnect that as well. The second I do, he freaks out and throws the office phone across the room.

Reaching the top I only have to walk a few steps to get to the front doors of his office. I put on my gloves before opening the door.

The bodyguards look back at me and in that instant I elbow the closest one on the right. He automatically drops with a groan and the rest come towards me. I take out my dagger and slice his neck in one clean line. His blood splatters and it puts a smile on my face.

The screams of the Brenton man begin to annoy me so I throw my dagger at him. Aiming at his neck. His head hits the back of his leather chair showing everyone his glorious blood-soaking skin.

I finish up the guards and walk over to Brenton. I look him over and decide on splitting him in half. I grab onto the dagger in his throat and pull down. Blood seeps into his clothes and some splash onto the floor. The sound of bones breaking and organs splitting send very satisfying shivers down my spine. I finish once the dagger reaches his cock and slices it in half. Just like the rest of him.

Walking out of his office I send a text to the client about the completion of the job. Then I walk over to Brenton's coat closet and I put on a coat to hide the blood stains.

This was by far the easiest job this week. The top floor is just a conference room and his office. No people other than him and his bodyguards are up here. Maybe because of the fact that he's so paranoid.

Well whatever. Since I finished so fast I get to sleep in a motel till my next job.

My pack phone rings just before I began to drive off.

"Yes alpha?"

"An emergency meeting with the allied alphas has been called at the house. I need you to be there with me, tomorrow at 8 in the morning."

"Can't make it. I have a job. Ask -"

"You are going." He hangs up and I sigh. At a red light I text the client for the job tomorrow that I'll be doing it tonight. He agrees without hesitation.

I've got a long night ahead of me.

Not what I planned to want to happen but eh. Better chapters are soon to come.

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