C 1 2 | E P I S O D E 0 5

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Engines are hot, Coms are live! This baby’s ready to roll,” Meghan announced while he pushed a few virtual buttons and adjusted a couple of levers on the control board.

Bishop stepped up behind him, glancing over at the tech language, virtual buttons and holographic displays scattered about the control board. It was like a small live city of its own and Bishop stood amazed how one person could understand all of it, more so someone with a torn up brain.

“You look like you need more sleep,” Meghan said, swiping his hand over a section of the board which made the lighting in the ship turn a bright sky blue. Bishop’s feet shook as the ship hummed just like was its manner when getting revved up.

“Just feeling a bit weird.” Bishop’s finger twitched against his will and images in his eyes became disrupted before returning back to normal.

“Your DRA haven’t worn off yet?” Meghan asked with a raised eyebrow. “Man! You must’ve been pumped on some bad ass electrolyte.”

Bishop shrugged, the data run aftermath would wear out with time-at least that’s what he told himself. He walked up to the control board, watching in fascination how holographic objects moved around and various maps appeared.

“Domino traveler loading,” a computerized voice said. Meghan touched a few spots on the holographic map displays before inputting a series of keys into the control board.

“The Astro Ark is designed with the latest security systems. For every checkpoint we cross, a trace portal is created,” Bishop explained with his eyes fixed on the control board. “That means in the case of any problems, we’d get shot back into the previous portal.”

“That’s…cool,” Bishop simply answered, trying to visualize what he’d just heard.

The swish of the door as it glided shut caught their attention as Kindra stepped into the Astro Ark. Bishop didn’t seem to be the only one who had noticed her falling back while everyone stayed ahead. His eyes met her inquisitive one for a split second as she shut her connectiva and joined Jo and Ramon at the report front of the control room.

“She’s definitely got a boyfriend,” Bishop blurted loud enough for just Meghan to hear. “Who else could she be connected to on the CC all the time?”
Meghan scoffed, “she plays her cards close to her chest, can’t be certain for sure about her kind.”

For the next few hours, the Astro Ark skulked the open skies. The closer they drew towards Bathfog Ruins, the easier it was slipping away from the radar. In his period as a Porter, Bishop had never ventured so far away from Capital’s civilization. It felt like going on exile to some barren land, highly unstable and hazardous. It’s just for a try, he consoled himself. Just for a try.

Everyone had gathered around when the Ark announced their approaching the Bathfog border. Tension enveloped the room as they watched the white clouds which swirled around the spaceship transcend into the polluted grey clouds of Bathfog. Bishop’s nerves were starting to fail him; his pulse increased with every second due to the feeling of both excitement and nervousness he felt inside him.

Below the grey clouds, the only visible thing was a mist of a light shade of red, formed mostly of reactive elements and hazardous debris. Asides the synergist core which was their destination, the crew didn’t know for sure what to expect out there in the Ruins, even with all the security measures they’d been equipped with.

Their stomach twirled and their taste buds stung sour in a nauseating sensation as soon as they crossed fully into Bathfog’s atmosphere. It was a normal feeling for their body to react to the high reactivity gradient of Bathfog Ruin’s environment.

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