22: Where are my pants?

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Chapter 22: Where are my pants?

Grace's POV:

I woke up with the worst headache I have ever had in my life. I groaned ducking my head further in the pillows. Last night was a blur and currently the smell of bacon was making me feel nauseated. I crunched my nose in disgust. Uh Oh. I don't feel good.

I got up quickly and scurried to my bathroom as fast as possible. Leaning over the toilet bowl I emptied my stomach. I flushed the toilet and brushed my teeth.

I looked at my wall clock. It read 6:45am. I decided to sleep in. I plopped myself on the bed and buried myself into the scattered soft, fluffy pillows.





I pulled out my hand from under the blankets and slapped the alarm clock trying to muffle its sounds. After successfully turning off the alarm, I decided to go back to sleep again but of course I had to get interrupted by a very annoying ghost.

He opened the blue curtains and soon golden sunlight filled the room.

I covered my face with the blanket trying to block the sunlight from reaching my eyes. "Go away".

"I thought you had college today".

I groaned.

"I don't. It's Sunday today. Now can you go away?" pleading diving further into the pillows.

"Grace lying around won't help", he crouched down removing the sheets off my face."Here drink this". I looked up to see him holding a glass of green slimy concoction.

"Eww I am definitely not having that", I had a disgusted look etched over my face.

"Come on Grace! I promise you that this drink will help you", he reassured.

I got up removing the blankets which fell on the floor in an untidy mess and then gingerly took the glass from him, drinking the whole thing in one go.

It was bitter, sweet and sour at the same time. The sweetness lightened the bitterness which made it taste better.

"Done!" I handed him the glass.

"I should get up now". I looked down to look for my sandals but I noticed that I wasn't wearing pants..


"Wha-How- How am I supposed to know that?" he stumbled with his words, nervousness evident in his voice.

I got up and started walking towards him while he backed away."Oh you know it very well. It's quite obvious isn't it? Tell me what happened last night or else I am calling the ghost busters", I threatened.

"Okay fine calm down", he raised up his hands in surrender, I stopped on my tracks. He huffed crossing his arms over his chest. I couldn't help but check out his muscles but this time I tore my eyes away-time to get serious Grace. "You were umm.. changing and you decided to not wear pants".

"Right I am supposed to believe that" , I hollered pursing my lips.

"So you don't remember what happened last night?" he asked arching his eyebrows.


His lips formed into a thin line. Is he smiling? Okay something's wrong.

"Why? What did I do last night?" I asked, dubious.

"Oh nothing", he chuckled. "Nothing at all".

"Spill it ghost boy", I leaned on one foot, crossing my arms over my face.

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