Chapter 3

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Camila's POV

The urge of wanting to pick up my phone and text Lauren wouldn't leave me alone. My eyes wouldn't look away from it. I laid in bed with the covers tightly wrapped around myself. My phone was on my desk, by my laptop. Ugh, I just wanted to jump out of bed and call her. I had to fight the urge though. I had to be stronger.

Don't do it, I thought to myself. Be strong, I gave myself strength.

It was too overpowering though. I couldn't take it. I had to text her!

Just when I jumped out of my bed and practically sprinted to my phone, my bedroom door opened. That frightened me causing me to fall against the door, slamming it back shut. Unfortunately, my head bounced off of the wooden door.

"What the heck?" I heard someone from outside of my door. Oh god that hurt. I rubbed the sore spot. Great, now I was going to have a headache. I crawled away from the entrance, just in case the door tried being opened again.

"Come in." I gave permission now. I laid on the ground, holding my head before rubbing my temples.

"What happened?" Oh, it was Vero. She walked in looking down at me. "Why did you close the door when I was trying to come in?" She asked as if she couldn't really guess what happened. This wasn't the first time it had happened. I still haven't learned my lesson to not jump off of my bed like that. In my defense, I had no clue that Vero was coming over. She didn't text me or anything.

"I hit the door when I jumped off my bed." I replied as I stood up. I glanced at my phone when I walked back to my bed. At least Vero's presence was going to distract me into not texting Lauren.

"When will you learn?" Her head shook in disbelief as she laughed.

"I don't know." I brought the covers over my body as I laid down in bed.

"What are you doing?" She questioned. "I know that you're lazy, but not this lazy. It's barely 4 o'clock, why are you getting into bed?" She wondered.

"Because I'm tired." I told her mid yawn. "I need my rest. School was exhausting." That was half true.

"Me too." She said while laying next to me, getting comfy under the covers. She was weird. "Hey, did you really... um, meet someone yesterday?" She asked with hesitation in her voice. 

Um, I really didn't want to be reminded of it. It was on my mind all day, but when I was reminded of it by my friends, it pretty much destroyed me. My head pounded hard, partly because of the accident with the door, but mainly because of the problem with Lauren.

Vero and I were great friends, I was able to trust her with anything, but not with this. It made me sad that I couldn't, she was one of the friends I revealed everything to, but I couldn't jeopardize Lauren's job. More so, her reputation. I'm not saying that Vero would snitch or go around telling people, but I couldn't risk her accidentally blurting something out one day.

Imagine if anyone found out. Lauren would've been fired right then and there. Possibly even have huge problems and get her teaching license taken away. Even problems with the authority because I'm a minor. Hooking up with a student was a felony for a teacher.

In our case, it probably wouldn't be so bad because at first we had no clue about the teacher and student situation, and we just ended up kissing. Besides, it was before the new school year even started, and it didn't happen on school grounds. Either way, Lauren and I would still have problems with everything.

Say we continued on with a fling, we went further, and if anyone found out, that would lead her straight to jail. I didn't want to imagine her being arrested. She was hot, everyone knows what happens to hot sexy people in jail. Either, she would be raped, or be beaten just because she was too gorgeous. I'm sure there were many jealous women in jail.  

Miss Jauregui (CAMREN)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя