Chp. 40

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If you've never experienced deafening silence you're lucky. It could drive a person mad within a few minutes. Everything was still, every slight movement and breath could be heard, and I felt like I was hearing my own thoughts. Trying to focus on one thing at a time was hard, so I continued to take deep breaths while waiting for Drew to show. Did I want her to show up? A big part of me said no. This wasn't safe for her, but it wasn't safe for me either.

We had sat her in silence for ten minutes, those minutes dragging on like hours as I stayed trapped in Evan's car. It was eerie. One of his hands resting on the gun while the other tapped impatiently against the steering wheel. The drumming of his fingers matched my heart beat, like he could hear the way it was pounding out of my chest.

I didn't know what was going on or what he had planned but I prayed something happened or I would lose my head. I couldn't stay like this much longer.

"You know," Evan's low voice cut through the silence like a knife, "Maybe this will help you in the long run."

I felt the bile rise in my throat, wondering if Evan was that sick in the head to believe he was doing me any kind of favor. Help me in what way? Was he planning on murdering us tonight? How in the world would that solve anything? I didn't want to respond, at least not verbally because I knew I would still have the fearful tremble in my voice.

He faced me but I remained looking forward, too afraid to lock eyes with the devil himself.

"Maybe this will show you how fucked up Drew's life really is," he chimed, igniting a familiar anger in my chest. I wanted to hurt him, I wanted to do something besides sit here but a gunshot to the head wasn't worth it. If I was dead I couldn't protect Drew. "She's weak because of it," he finished.

But my fear became replaced with anger, allowing me to speak, "Drew's anything but weak."

"Is that why she left you?" He continued the emotional torture as if playing mind games with me was fun for him. I shook my head, still unable to look him in the eyes.

"She left because she was trying to protect me," I answered, realizing that Drew was the most selfless person I had ever met. I didn't know why it had taken Evan pointing a gun to my head for me to realize, but it was clear as day now.

She wasn't weak, she was so strong, but she had let me in regardless of her logic and look where I was now. Stuck in the car with Evan who had a gun, and now Drew was blindly on her way to meet up with us.

She had been right concerning how dangerous Evan was and I had ignored her.

"Yea well," he leaned back in his seat and cracked his neck, "Guess she didn't do such a good job."

I tightened my jaw, wondering when and if she would even show up. Not knowing what could happen scared me. I was terrified to see Drew, but also ecstatic at the same time. Nothing about this was right, but it wasn't till I saw her roll up on her bike that my stomach dropped all the way to my feet.

His hand grabbed the gun, ordering, "Get out."

I did as he said, following him out of his car as I heard my heart pounding in my head. My eyes focused on Drew, who's eyes focused on Evan who had the gun pointed against my temple. This was the ultimate showdown, and when Evan grabbed my arm and yanked me closer I almost bit my tongue off in fear. Drew moved but stopped when the gun switched towards her.

She didn't hesitate to speak, "Evan, what the fuck are you doing?"

My heart was screaming as I watched Drew, who was now at Evan's complete mercy under the gaze of the loaded .45. I knew what she was feeling, and I knew it could be worse for her. Evan actually had hard feelings towards her, he didn't have any towards me. He had a motive and a reason if he decided to pull the trigger. I could only pray that didn't happen.

If I Fall (GirlXGirl)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora