7: House of Gold

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"Don't leave me, please." The silver-haired princess begged.


"If you're going to see Ciel, he's not here," Aiden informed me when I bumped into him outside the Moon Palace. "He'll be back soon, don't worry."

"Ciel? Is that the boy's name?" I asked.

Aiden nodded, a proud smile lighting up his face. "Yes, I named him that. Every time I gaze into his eyes, it's like looking at the sky. The name suits him perfectly, don't you think?"

To think that the one who should have protected him was the very person who had taken away his ability to speak and now he wasn't even given a name. I couldn't imagine what kind of life the boy had.

I know that the life of mortals has always been unbalanced—unfair being the word they often use to describe it. For all humans do is measure their lives to others and feel either bad or good about it. Comparing myself with others had never crossed my thoughts before when I was a Holy Maiden. However, since becoming human, comparing my experiences and future fate as an abandoned princess against those of others became like second nature to me.

But this time, the comparison fed my ego and made me feel momentarily relieved and glad that my life was better. Better than–

What a disgusting feeling.

"Sister? Are you alright? You look upset," Aiden's voice filled with concern broke through my thoughts. "Are you still worried about Ciel? From what I observed about him yesterday, he'll be fine. He seems to have found something he desires beyond mere survival."

"Really? Did he tell you that?"

"No. But! I know that he will ask-" Aiden responded before hastily covering his mouth. "Ah! I'm not telling you." He then stuck out his tongue.

I couldn't help but smile at his childish antics. "Fine, don't tell me. But can you at least tell me where Ciel went or is that another one of your secrets?"

He shook his head. "He's at the cemetery."


"Just visiting his father's grave," he said casually. 

His nonchalant tone made me at ease that I found myself nodding impulsively. "Ah, I see."

"Do you want to go to the garden? The gardener, who was that again? The small man with thick side burns."


"Yes, him. The new flower that Art planted had fully bloom. I think it was a pink pearl agat–agashte?"

"Oh, the agastache. I was with Art when he was planting those," I said. I was still collecting money from the knights and servants at the time, when I happened to see Art on my way to the church.. "They must be beautiful now."

"Agastache," Aiden pronounced. "I think you'll like it, sister. The chubby flower spikes are now tall with a beautiful mix of deep rose pink and soft pink flowers."

"Let's take a walk then." With that, I decided to spend my free time with Aiden while waiting for Ciel. Hand in hand, we strolled toward the garden. 

But then, realization struck. "Hold on a minute! What do you mean grave?!"

"Well... After one of your escorts reported what happened at the orphanage, that despicable pervert man was taken to the room," Aiden said as we entered the garden.

The despicable pervert one should be me. I was the one who grabbed that man's third leg. Of course, I didn't hold it because I wanted to but it was the only option I had for the sake of the children, also I was extremely angry at that time and had this urge to crush something.

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