Chapter 187: West Mountain Base

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The widely spread news caught the attention of some observant individuals. They keenly sensed that something was deliberately being concealed in these messages. However, with hundreds of messages, they couldn't confirm each one individually, so most people could only sigh in frustration.
Nevertheless, some individuals managed to extract useful intelligence by analyzing the data. 52 kilometers west of Cloud Peak Manor, in the West Mountain area, attracted their attention.The name "West Mountain" was derived from the mountain range in this region. Since the 1960s, the official authorities of Tianhai City had been constructing shelters across various locations. Initially designed for air defense and protection against nuclear attacks, these shelters numbered 356 in total today.However, most of these shelters were simple underground emergency spaces with limited supplies. They were intended for ordinary city residents. In addition to these regular shelters, there were military and special shelters reserved for high-ranking officials. These special shelters, both in terms of security and supplies, far surpassed the ordinary ones.At a depth of 200 meters underground in West Mountain, there was one such shelter. Despite the entire West Mountain being covered in snow, the underground facility was still home to a significant population.This underground facility was exceptionally vast, with a space large enough to accommodate tens of thousands of people, making it a magnificent underground city. Constructed with the sturdiest alloys, it resembled an underground fortress.In the office of the West Mountain organization's leader, behind a mahogany desk, a middle-aged man with a crew cut, dressed in gray military attire, was examining documents. A cup of hot tea sat beside him, and the room maintained a comfortable temperature, devoid of any chill.The room's decor exuded an antique charm, with bookshelves dating back several centuries. This man was Chen Xinian, former senior official of Tianhai City and the current leader of the West Mountain organization.Chen Xinian perused the documents in his hands, occasionally glancing at the computer screen on the desk. "Is the energy issue at the base still unresolved?""The power supply can be managed by having personnel from the Fourth Life Compartment generate electricity. However, without a substantial supply of fossil fuels, the troops will still be limited to walking or using dog sleds for transportation.""Relying solely on human power for electricity is far from sufficient to address the base's future power shortage."Chen Xinian muttered to himself and quickly devised a solution. He picked up his Hero pen and wrote his response on the document."Increase the working hours of the Fourth Life Compartment; they must achieve 12 hours of work per day to receive nutrient solution.""Additionally, cut off their power for six hours every night. This will reduce their phone usage, allow them to rest earlier, and avoid unnecessary energy consumption."After signing the document, Chen Xinian placed it among the thick stack of papers on the side of his desk.At that moment, his secretary, Ge Rou, knocked on the door and walked in, placing a report in front of him."Leader, we've investigated the information we received earlier. Most of the messages were traced back to Villa 101 in Cloud Peak Manor, Lujiang District.""However, there's one message from the mobile phone of Zhang Yifei, the chairman of Zhiyun Technology, and it originates from Villa 302 in Cloud Peak Manor."Chen Xinian, with an indifferent expression, casually accepted the report. "Tell me about the mention of Zhang Yifei in that message."The report contained too much text, and he was somewhat reluctant to read it. However, upon hearing Zhang Yifei's name, he took a serious look at that particular message.Ge Rou meticulously provided Chen Xinian with information about Zhang Yifei. Learning that Zhang Yifei had been living in Tianhai City and was just a minor warehouse manager at Walmart, Chen Xinian's expression immediately became dull."Just a small warehouse manager; he couldn't be the mastermind behind this. Even if he gained some benefits, the quantity wouldn't be significant.""Probably engaged in embezzlement during his tenure, hoarding stolen goods at home, and that's how he sustained himself until now."Ge Rou nodded in agreement. "Leader, I also believe that a minor supervisor wouldn't have the capability to empty an entire warehouse."Chen Xinian smiled knowingly, a look that seemed to see through everything. "All of this is a plot by the American Empire. They must have sensed something was amiss even before the gamma rays arrived, so they recalled their supplies in advance.""But they still want to play the game of supernatural events, truly deceiving themselves!"Ge Rou complimented, "How could they know that their ridiculous actions had long been seen through by our leader?""So, do we need to investigate this Zhang Yifei?" Ge Rou asked.Chen Xinian tapped his fingers on the table, contemplating for a moment before saying, "Send a few people over to take a look in that area in Lujiang. We haven't searched that region yet. Maybe we can find some supplies!"Ge Rou nodded. "Yes, I'll immediately arrange for some people to go investigate."Such trivial matters did not concern Chen Xinian much. As Ge Rou left to organize the investigation, Chen Xinian continued with his tasks....Xu Family Town.Xu Dong Village.The villagers here also received hundreds of messages. For them, who had long been cut off from the outside world, these messages were no different from spam, and they paid no attention to them. In fact, the constant message notifications annoyed them.Only one person took it seriously: Xu Chunlei, the strongest warrior of Xu Dong Village and an ice and snow ability user.After the confrontation with Zhang Yifei, Xu Chunlei had explained to the villagers the terrifying strength of Zhang Yifei. Despite dissatisfaction over the deaths of their kin, out of fear of Zhang Yifei, Village Chief Xu Dong had intervened to temporarily pacify the situation.Life in Xu Dong Village returned to normal. They relied on the vegetables and grains they had stored, along with fishing on the frozen lake. At least, they didn't have to worry about food shortages.However, for the otaku Xu Chunlei, this was a significant blow."Shouldn't I be the chosen one, possessing top-tier abilities, and then having countless beautiful women under my command?""Why do I only have the option to run away when encountering that person?"This frustration, coupled with the disappointment of the villagers, made this sensitive otaku feel quite unpleasant.So when he received a large number of messages and found the words related to Cloud Peak Manor, he vaguely felt that this matter might be related to the mysterious person who scared him away that day."If I investigate these messages, will I find any useful information?"As a dedicated otaku, Xu Chunlei had some expertise in computer applications. With nothing else to do, and limited to a maximum of five or six rewards per day, he was a very disciplined person.In his free time, Xu Chunlei began to analyze the information from the messages.

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