14. Treating Toru

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Tonuk's perspective:

He got the mirror into Toru's room, carefull of not startling it, then waiting for its reaction, finally seeing another member of its species after so long.

He never would have predicted that immediatly, Toru would begin inspecting himself, even fiddling around with its hair.

This left Tonuk completely shocked, wondering how something so small even had the brain capacity to understand its own reflection, even normal, things its size, if not bigger couldn't do that!

Eventually he snapped out of his thoughts, leaving the room to talk to Ri about this.

He found him sitting at the couch with the tablet, Ri then said, "Alright so, I litterally just got a report from the police about the ship crash from a while ago", he motioned Tonuk to the couch, showing him the report, "Turns out that Toru is actually from another planet, since they found evidence of it running around the ship"

Tonuk took the tablet, as he read it he found that that's probably where Toru got its clothes, since the ship was meant for long term travel, it made clothes.

But other than that there wasn't much else to find out, all of the ships security cameras, records, etc, were destroyed so they still didn't know where it came from.

Ri resumed speaking, "So, somehow a 500 and something year old ship landed on a planet with life and somehow brought back this thing", still amazed at the incredibly low odds of this, the report said that they tasked astronomers with finding the new planet though.

Tonuk started thinking for a moment, eventually saying, "Yeah, that would explain quite a lot of things, also, that would explain why it has practically no fur, it probably lived in a hotter climate"

Ri agreed, "Yeah, hopefully we haven't been torturing this thing too bad with our below freezing temperatures", Ri chuckled, though he still worried that it was probably true.

Tonuk continued, "What if we gave it a heat lamp? Pretty sure we have one stored away, we can check if it works"

They found an old heat lamp stored away, which they brought into Toru's room.

Tonuk left Ri to do his thing, while he took out the mirror, finally remembering that he needed to talk about that later on.

He decided to hold that thought until later, as he didn't want to interrupt Ri, who was working on fixing/cleaning the lamp, as it had gathered quite a lot of dirt and hair, which could have damaged the it.

While waiting, Tonuk heard a call to the door, which he went to answer, finding a package, which Ri stated was his, he bought some clothes for Toru.

Eventually Ri got the lamp working again, setting it to a fairly hot, but not harmful temperature, which he felt even from far away.

They got out and waited for Toru's reaction to see if it was too hot, watching from the camera.

They became glad at seeing Toru immediatly react positively to the lamp, it was adorable seeing it taking in the warmth.

Tonuk got Ri's attention, telling him about the fact that Toru recognized itself.

Ri thought about it for a moment, before simply responding, "Maybe there are a lot of reflective things where it lives? It probably evolved to be able to recognize itself to avoid fighting, I don't know, something like a big flat crystal I guess?"

Tonuk accepted that reasoning, stopping for a bit to admire how adorable Toru looked taking in the warmth.

They decided to leave Toru alone for a while to continue working, all while complaining about the fact that they couldn't play with the Turos since they only seemed to like being with Tegnuk, one of the two other workers there.

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