Chapter VIII

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After sending the Lyrus and Jake to their school Eren bring Aiden to her studio to do her work as an instructor and manage her art supplies store just beside her studio.

Although she's married now to Jackson, she still facilitates her studio, do her own things and earn enough for her to have her own money and buy things she like without using Jackson's money.

She never depend and never spend Jackson's money, although she hold and manage the budget for the residence expenses and the kids necessities.

While teaching and guiding her students she also give something for Aiden to be busy with and for Aiden not to feel bored while inside the studio.

"Ok, James please help me facilitates and guides my students for awhile and look for Aiden ok?" I aske James one of my stuff here in the studio.

"I'll be back for awhile, ok?" I told him.

"No problem ma'am.  I'll take over for awhile." He said while smiling.

"Thank you very much James.  I'll be back in awhile."

Then take my leave and immediately proceed to the hospital for a quick check up.

She's been feeling unwell for quite sometime now, dizziness and being nauseous every morning and tiredness all day even without doing anything.

She's feeling uneasiness for this thing and being worried if it is something dreadful and the sooner she know what is it then she can do about it immediately.

Arriving at the hospital she immediately asked a doctor to take a check up for her, and she was asked few questions and she answered it accordingly on how she is feeling.

She undergo tests and now waiting for the results of the different tests.

When she look at the time it already took her two and a half hours, its almost lunch time and she remembered  Aiden.

She immediately stand up and just told the nurse that she will just return to get the results next time.

The nurse nodded her head and told her she can just return anytime to get her test results.

Then take her leave and drive back to her studio.


When she arrived at  her studio she saw that there is no more students inside and James is trying his best to calm down Aiden from his crying.

"Mama, mama, mama... wahhh.... my mama...." Aiden pitifully cried out loud.
His tears mixing with his snot.

I run towards him and tried to calm him down because it is not good if he cried too much.

"Shhhh... hush.. hush... mama is here... mama is back. Sorry for leaving you for awhile my baby. Ok... ok... calm down baby..." I keep telling Aiden.

When Aiden feels someone tries to hug him, he immediately look who is the person hugging him and saw that it was me, he immediately cling to me while keep saying mama.

"Mama bad, she leave Aiden alone... wahh... mama bad... Aiden scared.... Aiden alone without mama beside... wahhh.... wahhh..." he said and keeps crying but not like before.

"Ma'am Eren when he saw you not around he start crying and keep calling you. I tried to calm him down and pacified him by giving him snacks but he just throw it away and keep crying. Sorry ma'am I can't calm him down. He's been crying for more than an hour now." James said apologetically.

"It's ok James, I am at fault here, but I thank you for not leaving Aiden alone, thank you for not letting him leave the studio. I really appreciate it. You can leave now, I'll compensate you for your overtime here." I told James gratefully.

"No problem Ma'am Eren. I'm glad I'm of help to you." James said humbly then takes his leave.

After James leave I'm still calming Aiden down and he is slowly calming down but still saying something and clinging on to me tightly like he doesn't want me to leave him again...

"Mama is so sorry for leaving my Aiden alone. Sorry baby for scaring you. Mama will not do it again ok? Calm down baby. Mama will not leave you alone again, ok? So please calm down now my baby" I keep on telling and assuring him that it will not happen again.

After a while Aiden quieted down and when I look over my shoulder my baby is now sleeping peacefully. He's been exhausted from his crying and fell asleep as he relax.

I feel so much guilty after seeing Aiden cried miserably. He became so dependent on me that he would cry for a long time if he can't see me.

Which is not good for his health. The doctor advised us not to make him cry too much.

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