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-Natalie's POV-

I breathe heavy, running through the hospital. I slow down when I spot Jane. My heart is pounding and my breathing so heavy—uneven that I am not completely sure if I need water or if I need to cry.

"They said she's going to be okay..." Jane tells me as I approach her, her eyes read and watering from crying. I keep panting as my hands go to my hips trying to get a steady breath from the panic the whole way here.

I got a call from Jane a few hours ago saying that Diana and Charlie got into a bad accident...five hours ago well around seven or eight now, I'm not sure. I was told hours later...I already called Diana a few hours ago and got no response but I suspected she was unpacking her things but that's clearly not the case.

I drove here as quickly as I could, this hospital isn't exactly close to home which had me more anxious in the car, my mind telling me things I didn't want to hear.

"Where is she? Is she awake?" I question and Jane shakes her head, as she cries again.

I thought she was dead. The panic I got when Jane was sobbing over the phone saying Diana was in a 'huge' accident and she was in hospital. I dropped a fucking glass trying to get to my car as quickly as I could. I didn't think so now there's a chance I go home to a cat harmed because I left the glass shattered on the floor, my only thought was getting to Diana.

I look past her to Charlie's parents, his Mom is crying, more than Jane as a woman speaks to her—a nurse. There's some police here for god knows what. His Dad looks away, from it all and at a wall, he's crying but it's not...much he kind of looks...numb.


"Where's Charlie?" I look back to Jane, she blocks her mouth crying more.

A cold chill runs down my spine, I feel as if I've been drained of my blood at the realisation that hits.

Oh fuck.

"Jesus Christ—Jane." I say, I walk past her to the room which is closed. A doctor rushes over as my hand goes to the handle.

"Miss, you can't go in there—"

"Why not?" I ask, my heart is thumping, fast because if Charlie's....I can only imagine what Diana is like—is she going to make it—I've had too many questions in the car that I asked myself. I shouldn't be standing around I should be with her.

"What's your relation to the patient? She is still asleep and some nurses are in there with her—"

"I'm her Wife, is she going to be alright?" I ask, trying to keep my voice steady, like I'm not close to a breakdown from this all. I shouldn't have let her go.

"She is stable—she will make it, Mrs Cooper. Her side of the car was not badly damaged—"

"What happened?"

"A drunk driver—"

"And are they dead?" I ask, a few people look my way, people I don't recognise but I don't care. Charlie's Mom looks over, her eyes showing nothing but....no, there's just nothing. I glance to her, holding eye contact with the woman who just lost her son... My eyes flinch, I have to look away and back to the doctor.

"Yes, he—"

"Thank fuck. Did he crash into the front of the car or the side?" I ask, I'm angry so my thoughts slip out of my mouth. I keep my hand on the door handle of the door which Diana's behind....in a state I haven't seen yet.

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