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I could feel myself getting lost in the airport again so I made Ryan take the lead to help us get out. We walked for what felt like way too long before finally getting to the exit.

I took the lead from Ryan, guiding us back to the car. We chatted about their investigation as we made our way through the parking lot.

"Okay boys, I know you think me coming to pick you up was the surprise, but the real surprise is waiting for you in the car." I said excited.
"How can it top our favourite gal picking us up out of the blue?" Ryan giggled.
"I mean it's a pretty cute gift." I giggled back.

I clicked the unlock button on my key as River walked over the the trunk to put his things in there. As he opened up I head him gasp.
"(Y/n!)" He cheered.
"I told you it's cute." I chuckled.
"Look at the lil ghosties!" He exclaimed while pointing at the package. "Can we open it?"
"Of course you can!" I agreed.
"(Y/n), this is so cool!" Wyatt added.

I smiled as Wyatt placed his bag beside the gift in the trunk and pulled it out to open up. I smiled widely as I watched Wyatt open the gift, handing the boys their own crocheted ghosts, looking at the snacks and checking out the bottle of whiskey. The looks on their faces filled me with so much joy.

My admiration was cut short when I felt a pair of arms wrap around me.
"Thank you, this is the best." River said softly while pulling me close.
"You're so welcome, I have one of the ghosts too." I smiled looking up at him still in our embrace.
"Can we name them?" He asked.
"Of course you can!" I said excited.
"Hell yeah, his name is now Gus!" He informed us while pulling away from the hug to look at his new ghost pal.

We all piled into the car one by one, Ryan and Wyatt in the back and River sitting next to me in the front. I started the car to drive us home when I noticed in the rear view mirror the two boys in the back playing around with their ghosts. Ryan noticed and smiled a goofy grin and mouthed thank you, I grinned back and began driving.

I kept sneaking peaks over at River looking at Gus, turning him around all angles to get a better look at him.
"I can't get over these lil dudes, I love him." He stated.
"I thought you might, I'm so happy you do." I added.

I focused on the road as we drove back, River was nodding off with Gus grasped with both hands, Wyatt and Ryan chatting the whole time.

I pulled in to the driveway, River still asleep. The boys got out of the car to grab their stuff while I stayed back trying to wake River.
"Can you get Rivers bag too please, I'm going to try wake him up." I whispered to Wyatt.
"Yeah sure! Good luck, he's a heavy sleeper.." Wyatt laughed.
"Thanks." I snorted.

I turned to River and tapped his knee with my hand.
"Riv, wake up. You're home!" I attempted to wake him with no response.
"Riverrrr?" I tried again tapping a little harder, still nothing. I sighed and rolled my eyes at myself, I had a stupid idea.

I leaned over and whispered in his ear.
"River, you're home babe, come inside and we can go to bed."

I smirked as he began to shuffle a little bit. His eyes slowly opened which made me lean back over to my seat.

"Did you say something?" He said groggily.
"Just tried to wake you up, that's all." I shrugged.
"No I swear I heard you say babe?" He began to sit up and wake up properly, rubbing his eyes with the back of his hands.
"Why would I say that?" I looked away and pretended to laugh it off.
"You totally did!" He placed his hand on my shoulder. "You said WE can go to bed!" He continued.
"I did say we could go to bed." I nodded looking back at him.
"Wait you want to go to bed together?" His face began to flush.
"I mean I didn't exactly say that but if it will help you sleep." I laughed.
"It might though." He laughed back.
"Let's go inside you goof, the boys have your stuff but don't forget Gus." I shook my head smiling at him.

He put Gus in his jacket pocket and got out of the car. We went inside and I walked straight up to Wyatt.
"I woke him up easily." I smirked.
"What did you do?" He looked surprised.
"Oh you know, just whisper in his ear." I shrugged.
"Okay but what did you say." He looked at me suspiciously.
"Nothing, just that we were home." I chuckled.
"I SWEAR SHE CALLED ME BABE!" River yelled as he walked into the room behind us.
"And what if I did?" I looked at him and put my hands on my hips, I could hear Wyat and Ryan giggling behind me.
"I don't know..?" River went red again.
"That's what I thought, now the lot of you go to bed." I commanded.
"Yes ma'am!" Wyatt laughed and made his way out the room. "Sleep well babe." He nudged Rivers arm.

I watched Ryan and Wyatt leave the room to go to their bedrooms.
"Okay, I'm gonna go, do you need anything before I leave?" I asked River.
"You don't have to leave, but would you come watch something on tv in my room with me as I go to sleep?" He asked. "You can hang out here while we're sleeping if you want. There's an Xbox in the loungeroom you can use?"
"Okay fine, but once you're asleep you're on your own." I laughed.
"Deal." He nodded.

He lead me up to his bedroom and placed his bag by the door. I watched as he pulled Gus from his pocket and placed him on his bedside table.
"This is honestly my favourite gift (y/n), thank you." He smiled as he pulled the blanket back on his bed.
"You really are welcome, but should you be going to bed in jeans? Don't you want to sleep comfortably?" I laughed.
"You're right, give me a sec." He nodded. River grabbed some track pants from his drawer and left to change into them. I pulled back the blanket on my side and slid under them, thankfully I was already in comfy clothes so I could chill comfortably.

He came back into the room, got into the bed and turned his tv on.
"What do you want to watch?" He asked.
"Honestly, I have no clue." I replied.
"Well sometimes when I'm trying to sleep I put on a documentary." He chuckled.
"There's nothing wrong with that." I added.
"Okay cool." He looked back to the tv and put on a nature documentary that popped up first on Netflix.

He layed down and motioned for me to lay down next to him. I slid further down under the blankets and moved the pillows behind me to lean on them.

We continued to watch in silence as I noticed River starting to drift off to sleep. Instinctively my first reaction was to run my fingers through his hair. This made him nuzzle in closer to me, placing his head on my chest and wrapping his arm around the top of my waist, cuddling me.

I found myself falling asleep to the sound of his soft snores and the background sounds of the documentary.

A/N: sorry it's been a while, life's been insane lately! But here's a new part, let me know if there's something you would like to see happen! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2023 ⏰

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