{Chapter 85}

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Catheline's POV:

The girls did their best to dress me for the occasion the next morning. Three layers of additional clothing, adding the cloak Xander gifted me a few months ago, made me feel like an unidentified creature.

And for the first time, since I was here, I would be riding Mary. I was simply waiting for an opportunity to present itself and there it was.

The morning was rather too cold for some reason, Xander wanted to go at this time. I did remember the advice Gabriel gave me but decided to ignore it for today. Because according to what Xander said, he planned on not taking any guards, even Nathaniel. Just what was he up to?

When I reached the hall that lead to the outside that opened a path to the outside, I noticed Sir Vincent. Unlike me, he enjoyed the cold like many others. He was wearing his usual attire that he wears most of the time.

"Your Grace," he bowed and I smiled at him. "The peas are in the pod, safe and secure. Though I must say that they might start wandering like they always do,"

I giggled at his secret message and nodded. He was speaking of his pupils, the charismatic Zane and scathing Carlos. They both have been accommodated in a nearby inn under my orders. Soon, they shall begin their duty.

"Well, I shall talk to you later," I nodded and stepped forward. But his words made me turn around.

"You do not like the cold weather, Your Grace," his face was etched with concern. "Please rethink your decision," 

"I shall be fine," I waved it off. "Don't worry. My husband would be there for me,"

After that short exchange, I walked toward the stables and found a small number of men, working. They quickly bowed their heads as soon as they saw me. One of them came closer.

"The King is waiting for you, Your Grace," he said.

I nodded and moved on, hoping that Mary was in the same place as Xander. The cold was indeed terrible and my windpipe had already turned icy. I pulled my hood closer and kept on walking until I found someone familiar.

"Please let me follow you, Your Majesty---"

"No. You will do what I say and remain here," 

I sighed as I saw two men arguing. When they noticed my presence, their frowns quickly disappeared. Xander came forward, ever so charming and wearing just one layer is his usual clothing beneath his cloak. His fine-combed and kept hair collected some of the falling snow.

"Wife," he greeted, as he held my hand. "Come on,"

Nathaniel bowed and left, possibly back to his duties. I found Mary nearby and squealed in happiness as I ran forward to hug her. Even she seemed happy to see me and she made soft sounds.

"She is fed," I heard Xander say. When I twirled around, I found him holding an apple. "But she can have this,"

I grinned and snatched it from him politely and fed it to Mary gently. The last time I remember her, she was still a small foal. I glanced that there was another horse, possibly belonging to Xander. It was a deep shade of wood and looked strong and dignified while Mary looked like a spoiled child. There was also a satchel attached to him and I wondered what was in it. Soon, I found myself braiding a lock of her hair just for the sake of making her more adorable.

"I think that's enough fondling," my husband stated.

I rolled my eyes when I hinted at jealousy in his tone. Last time, it was my pet and now, it was my horse. I stepped forward and clutched onto her saddle carefully, as I stepped on the wooden stool.

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