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"No offense, Bry. But I think that was the stupidest idea I have ever heard." I told him laughing. 

"What? Excuse me, but I think that was genius!" You can still see the pride lighten up his face.

I shook my head while laughing at him. As I began eating, Brian snatched the fork from my hand.

"I'm serious, Cara. Let's do it."


"Do you have anything to lose if we try it? Come on!" Still encouraging me.

"And what will you gain if we do try it?" I asked, challenging him.

"Well, I would like to be proven right. I am not wrong about this, Cara. I know what I saw. Don't you wanna know for sure? I mean, if she won't be jealous, then, you move forward. But if she will be, maybe you can ask her the real reason why she would end it with you like that."

He has a point but, I just don't think this is the right way to go. 

"I don't know, Bry." I told him still unsure.

"I'm not gonna kiss you in front of her if that's what you're worried about."

My eyes widened at what he said.

"I was not even thinking about that! God, I was not even thinking of the details, but please, since you mentioned it, can you elaborate on what we will be doing to accomplish that mission of yours, if ever I will agree to it?"

Brian laughed at my reaction. I must look dumb in front of him right now.

"Okay, no kissing, definitely no kissing. Maybe just holding hands, when she's around, I will speak near your ear then you will smile like I was telling you things that make your heart flutter, something like that."

I can't help but giggle.

"What's so funny now?" He asked frowning.

"You said flutter!" I giggled still.

"But did you get my point?" He said sighing.

"Yes, I did."


I pause for a moment staring at his beautiful face.

Here's a guy who's madly in love with me but is willing for me to use him to get the one I love.

Isn't he noble?

"Cara?" I could feel he's being impatient.

"Okay, Fine!" I surrender. "Now give me my fork!"

I snatched back from him my fork while he let out a soft laugh.

We plan while we eat, it was mostly him talking. Giving me situations and scenarios.

"There is lunch later at the restaurant cottage outside so, I will come and pick you up from your room."

We were about to stand up from our table, we just finished our food and Brian was reaching for my hand when Alex and Daniel shows up from behind.

Brian was so quick to notice that he grabbed my hand even before I can reach up to his. He put his other hand on my waist to complete the gesture. He winked at me discreetly and tried to hide his smirk.

His hand that was on my waist was now on my shoulder as we walk out of the restaurant and the other let go of mine.

I don't know why I was feeling nervous knowing that Alex was just behind us.

"Let's go up to our room." He said smiling with his voice a little louder. 

I quickly got it when I turned my face to look at Brian, I saw in my peripheral vision that the couple behind us were walking a little bit close to us so Alex must have heard it.

I played along and smiled sweetly at him.

On our way to the elevator, Brian kept whispering nothing in my ear and all that was coming out from his mouth was air. I found it super funny so my laughs were genuine, I was even hitting him on the chest as I cannot contain my laughter.

And I know that he was also laughing genuinely.

I didn't think that this would be so much fun! And on our first try!

I couldn't see what was Alex's reaction but I was really hoping that she would feel jealous. Both of them from our behind were really quiet, they were just walking behind us.

Brian pressed the up button on the elevator without detaching his arms from me. And when we entered inside, Alex and Daniel followed us and Brian pretended that he just saw them just now.

"Hey Cous, I didn't see you there. Hey man!" He greeted both of them.

"Yeah, you seem so busy, why would you notice us." She disses him.

"Hey, man." Daniel greeted him.

Brian pretends to ignore what Alex said but squeezes my arm letting me know what just happened.

Daniel was looking at me and Brian was quick to realize why.

"Oh, sorry. Daniel this is Cara, Cara, Daniel." He introduced us.

Daniel held out his hand for me which I accepted quickly.

"Your girlfriend?" Daniel asks Brian smiling, looking at both of us alternately.

"Ohh, you know..." He was saved by the bell when the elevator binged and opens to our floor.

"Let's go!" Alex grabbed Daniel's hand and walked fast to their room. 

Brian and I looked at each other, grinning.

"What did I tell you?" He said raising his eyebrows.

"It's not enough, she might be not in the mood today or something that's why she was like that." I said trying not to get my hopes up.

"Okay, I'll go down my floor now. You go." I continued as I push him out of the elevator. I pressed the 7th-floor button and before the door closes, he managed to remind me about the lunch later which I said yes.

As I walk up to our room, I can't help but replay in my head what happened just 2 minutes ago.

Was she really jealous? 

If I was the person who was likely to get her hopes up with just a nudge, I would say yes, she really is. But then, when I think about that, I went back to the time she spoke to me about forgetting what happened between us.

Brian was right though, her reasons were bull. She's not gay or even Bi? Well, I was not too till she happens to me.

"Where have you been?" Claire sitting on the bed with her phone in her hand.

"I was calling you and Brian but you guys never picked up." She continued.

"Good morning, Sleeping Beauty!" I teased her. "We ate downstairs. How was your sleep?" 

I went to my bed and threw my body, I suddenly felt sleepy feeling the softness of the sheets against my back.

"I'm hungry." She groaned.

My head feels light, I closed my eyes and feel like I was being cradled to sleep.

"Caraaaa!" The side of my bed sagged and I felt Claire tugging my hand.

"Go eat, downstairs. I'm sleepy." I managed to tell her.

I did not understand what Claire said in the next few seconds as I felt like I was being pulled into a deep trance and I cannot do anything but give in.

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