Chapter 121 ~ Mask

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[3rd Person POV]

Returning from the arena, Alterisa made her way back to her waiting room with Fubuki resting around her neck, enjoying the scratches Alterisa was giving with her fingers.

And on the way, she coincidentally met Evelyn, who was making her way to the arena to prepare for her match, which would start after Wilhelm's that is currently ongoing.

Upon meeting gazes, Evelyn's expression lit up and she quickly hastened her steps towards Alterisa.

"Risa-sama~! Congratulations on achieving victory in your first match!"

"Evelyn~ Thank you very much~"

Alterisa smiled brightly before holding onto both of Evelyn's hands, eliciting a healthy blush on her face.

"Good luck on defeating Keith-sama, Evleyn! I'll be rooting for you!"

"Yes~! Please leave it to me~ I will also do my best against Wilhelm-sama! Let us meet in the semifinals, Risa-sama~"

"Uhn~ Of course! I'll also do my best to defeat Illya in the quarter finals!"

Evelyn clenched onto Alterisa's hands as they stared into each other's eyes for a moment.

There was an urge to hug Alterisa growing in her heart right now... Almost an unstoppable urge. But Evelyn held back. Now wasn't the time. She needed to concentrate on the tournament so that she could meet Alterisa in the semifinals.

She would've loved to meet Alterisa in the finals, but unfortunately, she was put on the same block as her. Alas, she still wanted to have a match against Alterisa and deepen their friendship through battle. So, she needed to work hard and blast away the obstructing boys in her way.

"Then, I shall be going and let you rest, Risa-sama. I shall also start preparing myself for my upcoming match."

"Uhn~! Good luck, Evelyn~!"

The two shared a short hug before Evelyn made her way to the arena with Alterisa watching over her as she walked away.

"Fufu~ A girl really does become more beautiful when she has a goal huh~? Do you agree, Fubuki~?"


"Mm~ I love hard working girls too~ I hope the boys get annihilated by them so we all can meet up in this tournament~"

Although she knew it was a low chance, given how absolutely broken the capture targets' talents were, she still hoped for it to happen.

And if it doesn't... Well, she'll just get revenge for her best friends and sweep the floor with the boys.

"Then, let's return to our room and get some nice re-!!!!"

Alterisa froze as if she was suddenly encased by the ice of her own making.

Before even coming out of the corner at the far end of the hallway, she had sensed the ever slight magical signature of someone she could never mistake for anyone else.

And when she turned the corner and faced her, chills ran down her spine.

Standing at the dark, far end of the hallway... The heroine of "Lovely Happening", Aria, glaring intensely right into her eyes.

Alterisa couldn't help but flinch slightly when she saw the intense glare from the literal bane of her existence.

And before she could recover, the heroine began walking up to her with quick, heavy steps, stomping her way through the hallways with the distant sounds of applause and cheers in the background.

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