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Hey guys! I've just released a new novel onto Wattpad. If you're interested, I would love it you could check it out (:

The Alpha's Prize

The Alpha's Prize

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Word Count: 1986


Tonight, my opportunity has come about by a random, very lucky series of events.

It has been a couple days since I slept with Ark, and since then, I've been pushing my luck with what I am able to do. I am Ark's only weakness, and although I enjoyed our night together, I need to exploit it.

So tonight, I asked one of the guards if I could switch one of the vegetables on my plate for another. She looked irritated, but obliged me.

Her replacement got caught up in conversation just down the hall, so in the few seconds I had where my door was left unattended, I made a break for it.

Now, I'm stalking quickly down the hallway, shoulders squared back, trying to look like I belong here.

Since everyone is downstairs, enjoying their dinner together, I don't see anyone as I scale down the stairs, heading toward where I know there is a door to the outside world.

Once I'm out there, I could get lost in the forest to freeze overnight. But there is a bit of daylight left, which I'm going to use to put as much distance between me and this place as possible.

If I die out there...at least it will take me away from this miserable world.

As I shove the metal door open, checking over my shoulder to make sure I'm not being tailed, I am certain of one thing.

I need to get away from Ark.

The mate bond is too much for me to handle. If I stay there, I may start believing the false rhetoric he is eventually going to feed me.

I shake the thoughts from my head as I jog off into the trees, feet stamping prints into the frosty ground. I'm going to need to find a river to conceal my tracks soon.

I'm blaming the mate bond for my own weakness, but how I feel about Ark is overwhelming. It's making me insane.

I walk briskly for a while, arms wrapped around myself, fighting off the cold. I manage to make good ground before night falls around me, although due to the thick canopy, moonlight struggles to shine through, hindering my advancement.

Many hours past. Or maybe it just feels that long, but eventually I find a gravel road that seemingly appears out of nowhere, winding through the forest.

I nearly collapse with relief.

No one drives by for a while, but when they do, they stop for me, and offer to take me to Caspian's Territory, which is surprisingly close.

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